Planning of the Two Sides

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Makoto could quite clearly remember the day he had gotten out of the killing game. The moment that strange boy had left, they'd been introduced to Future Foundation. Of course, it had been quite the messy hiring, as the survivors of the killing game had literally just met a despair infused leader who had threatened to kill them.

However, they ended up coming to Future Foundation and began to work on a way to defeat the Ultimate Despairs. Toko had saved Makoto's sister from the 'Warrior of Hope' and had become an official member. Komaru was doing, something. Makoto wasn't quite sure what, but he wouldn't ask. His sister could do whatever she wanted.

"Makoto," Makoto turned to the voice, seeing Kyoko waving him over. "We've got a meeting to go to."

Makoto thought for a moment. "Sorry, but, um, what meeting?"

"The one to fight the Ultimate Despairs?" Kyoko said flatly. 

"O-Oh, that's right!" Makoto nodded. "I'm coming." Kyoko gave him a small smile, and turned to walk away. Makoto followed closely behind her. The two walked in silence, not quite sure what to say to one another. Makoto was lost in thought. I wonder what'll happen. I know that we've been playing to attack the Remnants for a while now, but I'm not sure. What if we start a war off of this? Makoto looked up and noticed that he a Kyoko had reached their destination. Kyoko opened the door and waited for Makoto to walk through.

"Well?" She said, raising an eyebrow. Makoto nodded nervously, and walked in. Kyoko allowed the door to close as she came in as well. Makoto saw the leader of Future Foundation. (A/N I don't remember who he is and I'm pretty sure no one else does, so I'll just spare you the google search and just call him the leader. I also spared myself of the google search, so sorry.)

"Hello, Makoto. Kyoko. Glad to see you here." The leader said. "We've got a lot of work to do." Makoto nodded, as he sat down. Kyoko remained standing, crossing her arms. "As you all know, the Remnants of Despair have been causing havoc for quite the long while. This meeting we're having is to figure out a plan of attack."

"What?" A person at the table said. "What do you mean by that? Attack them?"

"Exactly," The leader nodded. "They've been on the offensive for a long time. I say that we try to attack them this time."

"But how?" Makoto asked. "Most of them are all over the planet. How are we supposed to know when or how to attack them?"

The leader sighed. "Well, recently, we've found their main base of operations. It's located around here." A small map was pulled up, and the leader pointed to a small spot on the map. "It's right around Hope's Peak." Makoto stared at the map for a moment. Really? It was just right there?  "We've also received in tell of the 'leader' of the Ultimate Despairs."

"'Leader'? I thought that was Junko." Kyoko muttered.

"It was." The leader nodded. "But she died. And someone else took her place." The leader pressed a button, pulling up multiple pictures of every single Remnant. "These are the Remnants, as you know." Makoto nodded, not really needing to. "However, this one." The leader pointed to a specific picture. "Is new. We got it recently." He pressed another button, enlarging the picture. it was that of a kid with purple hair, curving upwards into points. He had a checkered bandanna, and pure white clothing.

Makoto stared at the picture for a second. I've, seen that before. He thought for a moment, furiously trying to remember where.

"Crushed? I wouldn't say that. No, I couldn't be happier." They had laughed. "Thank goodness. She's out of my life now."

The memory popped into his head, remembering the encounter with the boy after he had exited the killing game. "I've met them before." Slipped out of Makoto's mouth. All eyes were suddenly on him, and Makoto flinched. "O-Oh, sorry."

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