Part 1

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Here we go againnnn

"My name is Lee Haeun, and I'm the leader of NCT

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"My name is Lee Haeun, and I'm the leader of NCT."

Those words pierced through Jisung, putting him in more pain than receiving a bullet to his chest. He had no idea what was going on. He didn't want to believe what he was seeing.

But Haeun sat in her chair, a cocky smirk plastered on her face. She watched over the 21 boys, barely any of them confident enough to hold eye contact. She had come back with a completely different aura: authorative, intimidating, and most importantly: a leader.

As silence greeted her words, she suddenly got from her chair, making the entire room tense. Her steps were slow but powerful as she walked around the desk and then jumped onto the table, crossing her legs as they dangled off it.

"Alright, let's get to business." Her elbow went onto her thigh as she rester her head against it. Her eyes never stopped scanning the rows of the people she now led. "I plan NCT on becoming the best unit that the SM company has ever seen."

The boldness of her statement shocked the enitre room, except Taeyong who proudly stood at the front of one of the rows, watching his little sister in admiration. He knew that she was perfect for this role from the bossy personality she displayed when she was still a young gal. Although she went through some major struggles in her lifetime, she was now back on track. And Taeyong felt as proud as ever.

"I expect all of you to be able to keep up. You were the best of the trainees afterall." Haeun sent the entire room a small smile before turning around slightly to grab the folder that was on the edge of the table.

Even though she was in Busan for only half a year, she had definitely reached her old level, even beyond it. Her flexibility returned as well as her sharp eyesight and hearing. Her reaction speed also got quicker, being able to dodge even the most unexpected attacks she faced. Her general condition was as good as it could get.

The girl looked through the thin file in her hand, her eyebrows slightly furrowing and her mouth turning into a small pout as she read the words.

"Next week is your first monthly evaluation from what I'm reading." Haeun glanced up to see several guys begin to shuffle excitedly, while others still listened attentively to gather as much information as they could. "It's quite easy. You just need to tire me out enough in a fight."

There was a short silence, then extremely quiet whispers until a voice spoke up.

"What if we win it?" The clueless boy that had just arrived from China, completely unaware of who she was, questioned and was immediately nudged by the elder next to him.

"That..." She trailed off and closed the folder, then put it down beside her on the table. "will not happen, Yangyang."

The young boy opened his mouth to speak again, but was this time smacked and Kun sent the girl an apologetic smile from where he stood in lane beside Yangyang. It made her chuckle lightly under her breath, before looking back around the room.

"Any other questions?"

There was a short silence before someone from the lane to the right stepped forward, grabbing Haeun's attention.

"Is it just a hand-to-hand fight? Or will we have different categories for each of our specialties?" Doyoung, a guy who she's only met briefly once before, questioned making many eyes flutter to the girl, curious about the same thing. She nodded in acknowledgement and then thought about it.

"Good question. Uhhh, I don't know honestly. Johnny should know." Haeun's gaze turned towards the older boy that stood at the far end of the room. He cleared his throat shortly before speaking.

"In this monthly evaluation we'll be judging your hand-to-hand fighting skills. In others ahead we will chose different categories along with ranging exercises." He said in a strict, monotone voice before stepping backwards, back into the line. The girl nodded along and then turned towards Doyoung with a satisfied smile. "Understood?"

"Yes, boss." He pursed his lips, slightly flustered as he stepped backwards.

It did seem extremely awkward. The girl seemed obviously way younger than at least a majority of the boys in the room, but she was somehow the leader. And although she also thought it was slightly unsettling, an authorative smirk still adorned her face.

"But there's something more important after that..." She trailed off, watching as the eyes of the entire room fell on her in slight surprise and most importantly, curiousity. That attention sent a thrill down her spine, exciting her. But she didn't want to keep them waiting so she jumped off the table with a bright smile. "It's my 17th birthday!"

The girl turned around and began skipping around the table, grabbing the thin folder along the way. She didn't see the many heads turn in complete shock, whispers arising.

"She's 16?!"

"Wait what?"

"Does that even make sense?"

It wasn't surprising. Only a few people in the room have ever heard of her since her identitiy in the company was, until now, hidden. Only people like Jonhnny, who've been in the company for a long while knew about her and that she was now the leader of the biggest unit under SM company.

Haeun happily began making her way towards the back door and suddenly halted, remembering something. She turned her gaze towards the rows of guys who now froze in a soldier-like position. The girl almost laughed at the tension in the room.

"You're dismissed." She declared loudly for the whole room to hear, then turned back around and left.

" She declared loudly for the whole room to hear, then turned back around and left

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