Part 20

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"That... what was that?" Jeno was the first to speak as the boys gathered onto the couches of one of the living rooms. 

Jisung sweeped a hand through his hair, in just as much confusion as the rest of the guys.

"Do you think this always happens when she's angry?" Chenle suggested, but Jaemin shook his head.

"It's similar to when we had our evaluation. She didn't seem angry at the time..." he trailed off, in thought of the events from few days ago.

"Maybe she's bipolar or something." Renjun guessed and no one could say anything against it. There was silence as everyone let the experience sink in. Then there were fade footsteps and someone walked into the room.

His eyes skimmed over the young boys's heads before strolling past them and towards the mini-bar.

"Johnny hyung!" His actions were stopped by Mark's yell and the elder sighed before turning around on his heel, mustering the most professional smile he could.

"Yes?" He questioned, trying to not let his own annoyance and confusion seep into his voice.

"Do you know if Haeun has a mental disorder or something? Like bipolar maybe?" The young boy questioned making Johnny shrug.

"How would I know that? I'm not close with her."

"But you've worked in the company for the longest out of anyone." Jeno pointed out making the elder inhale sharply before responding.

"Doesn't make me immediately aware of everything going on in the Lee family."

"Has something traumatic ever happened to her while you worked here?" The question came from Chenle and it made all of the kids stare at Johnny intently.

The boy's head immediately backtracked towards that day when he walked into that room. It's walls had been splashed with blood, window broken and the chair inside it laying on the ground. The metallic smell had hit his nose as his breath stopped, the scene making his stomach churn in distaste. He had gagged not too long after.

But Johnny immediately stuffed the memories to the back of his mind again before inhaling a single, shaky breath then giving the curious boys a smile.

"Not as far as I would know."

There was a faint knock at the girls door and she slowly put the water bottle down, immediately intrigued.

"Come in!" She exclaimed and tilted her head seeing the boy shyly come in then closing the door behind him.

"Jisung? What are you doing here?" She asked, placing the water bottle onto the counter as the boy approached her. Her gaze fell onto the clock on the wall showing that it was almost midnight.

"Why aren't you asleep?" Jisung avoided her question as he leaned on the counter, keeping his distance from her.

Haeun sighed, also taking the same position while looking ahead and out the giant windows of the room. "I can't."

"Why?" The boy looked over towards her in curiosity and she bit her lip while staggering for an answer.

"Something is bothering me but I can't my finger on it..." she trailed off, her brows furrowing slightly as she thought back to today's events. Jisung sent her a knowing glance before also turning to look ahead.

"Is it because of your fight with Taeyong hyung?" The young boy questioned, attentively listening to try to get an answer.

"Was it that bad?" Haeun whispered in a worried tone making him nod his head slightly.

"Yeah. You even stopped being formal, remember?" He pointed out making the girl close her eyes frustrated. There was a short-lived silence and the girl inhaled sharply.

"I guess so. Maybe that's why I can't sleep." She lied, knowing that that wasn't the reason. Her gut feeling screamed at her for her cluelessness, as if there was something terribly wrong with her. But she just didn't know what.

Jisung turned his head and watched her worried and focused expression. He couldn't stop himself from admiring how effortlessly pretty she looked, even right her extremely messy hair and oversized hoodie and sweatpants. It made a small smile fall onto his lips, but he was soon caught staring when her eyes landed on his.

"Why are you laughing?" She fully turned towards him and he ripped his eyes off of her, slightly flustered.

"Nothing." He bit his lip slightly while looking out the window into the darkness.

The girl stared at him for a few more seconds before also turning her head back to its previous position.

Jisung knew that something was off and that she wasn't in her best mood right now. That's how a brilliant idea popped into his head.

"Hey, Haeun, want to go play super smash bros?" He asked and the suggestion made the girl's eyes spark up as she turned to him with a smirk.

"You're going down, Jisungie."

They gon play super smash

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They gon play super smash


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