Part 75

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It was silent as Haeun sat down on the couch, staring off into the night beyond the windows

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It was silent as Haeun sat down on the couch, staring off into the night beyond the windows. 

Her room felt colder and less inviting than usual. The bright lights bothered her for once and she just did not feel at home.

And maybe it wasn't the room, but how she felt.

She felt... empty. As if something precious had been taken away from her. As if someone really important had left. But she just couldn't put her finger on it.

She was also not too happy about how the situation with Chuwol turned out. She was glad he was finally gone, but she hadn't been the one to put an end to him. Jisung did it instead.

Speaking of him, she felt the couch bend as he sat down near her.

"Have some water." He said with a soft tone.

Haeun turned to see him outstretching a glass cup in her direction with a welcoming expression.

"I'm not thirsty." She hummed. 

"At this rate you may pass out again. Please drink some water." Jisung looked at her with pleading eyes.

There was silence for a few more seconds before Haeun finally gave in, taking the glass with a sigh. Jisung watched as she drank the water slowly, savoring each sip. She then put down the glass onto the coffee table and leaned back again.

Her boyfriend watched all of her actions carefully, something squeezing his heart seeing her in this state.

After a few moments of peace and quiet, Jisung spoke again.

"Come here." 

Haeun looked over to him to find his arms outstretched in her direction. The girl complied to his request and Jisung pulled her sideways onto his lap. His hands wrapped around her waist tightly and he buried his face into the crook of her neck.

"Do you know how worried I was?" He mumbled into her skin, and although Haeun was definitely not in the greatest mood, she still found his warm breaths calming. She melted into him more, beginning to finally loosen up slightly.

"I know. I'm sorry." She whispered, her hand going through his messy hair.

"I love you." 

Jisung looked up at the sudden confession, his eyes shimmering as they reflected the many lights in the room.

"I just..." Haeun hesitated for a second. "I don't feel like I tell you that enough. I love you so freaking much that I can't even imagine a world with you not in it. You're always there for me and stay by my side even though I lack in so many ways. You're the main character of most of my happy memories. You're someone that I didn't realize was missing from my life until I met you.

My missing puzzle piece."

The boy just watched her in awe as she expressed herself, her eyes pooling with tears. He couldn't help but grip on her tightly, never wanting to let go.

"And I know I'm not good enough for you. Not at all. I can't even be a good girlfriend. I'm always so emotional and you're always here to help me but I barely ever ask you if you're alright. Not only that, I put you in so much danger. Being with me may get you killed someday. Sometimes I wish I had not let you into NCT. Maybe then you would have gotten on a different path and led the good life that you deserve. And even if I wasn't in it, you would've been happier. I-I'm just t-too selfish to l-let..." Haeun took a shaky breath, the ball in her throat making her choke out a sob.

Jisung listened to her attentively, softening more and more as he watched her begin to break down.

"I'm so sorry Sung."
"Hey, no, don't be sorry." The boy began assuring her in a soothing voice.

"There is no way I would ever be happier. Haeun, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. NCT is my home and my family. There is no better path for me to be on than here, with everyone else." He continued.

Haeun looked up at him with red and puffy eyes and Jisung brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You put yourself down way too much, you know? You're perfect just the way you are, I can't imagine you being any different. I wouldn't have fallen in love with you if you were any different."

"I love you too, Haeun." 

The girl pouted her lips, knowing that another wave of sobs and cries was about to come. She threw her hands around his neck and brought him in closer, sniffling into the fabric of his white t-shirt. Jisung drew comforting circles on her back, helping her calm down.

After a few minutes it was silent once more, just the boy rocking his girlfriend from side to side. She had stopped crying completely, the only sign of life being her heavy breaths.

"I'm tired."

Jisung couldn't help but let out a breathy chuckle.

"Should we go to sleep then?"

That gave him the cue to get up, carrying the girl bridal style with her arms still around his neck. Using his foot, he pushed the bedroom door open and turned on the lights before walking over to the bed.

Jisung put Haeun down gently, making sure her head doesn't hit the hard frame. He then put the warm covers over her body, up to her chin. 

Haeun was eyeing his actions carefully before his eyes met hers. The boy gave her a warm smile before leaning down and placing a soft peck onto her forehead.

He then turned around and went to turn off the lights before slipping into bed beside her. Of course, Haeun refused to stay in place and immediately went off to cling to him.

"Are you okay?"

Her question surprised Jisung as he looked down, only being met by darkness but he knew she was there.

"You killed Chuwol."

The boy thought about the question. He had barely thought about the man and instead had been worried sick about Haeun. But he was honest when he said:

"Yes. I'm alright."

Haeun let out a deep breath into his chest.

"Now go to sleep, you said you're tired." Jisung commanded, wrapping his hands around her tighter.

"Goodnight, Sung."
"Goodnight, Hae."

I'm obsessed with them soft chapters 

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I'm obsessed with them soft chapters 

(Please answer) What book should I focus on when 'Just like you' ends?

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