Part 9

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It was the day that everyone moved into the mansion

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It was the day that everyone moved into the mansion.

Haeun watched from the top of the stairs as the gang members slowly flooded in through the main entrance, dragging suitcases and boxes. There were many rooms in the house, all spacious and great picks. Of course, everyone began heading for the upstairs and the girl gave them all small smiles as they either continued up the stairs or went down the hallway to either her left or right. Everyone seemed extremely excited, especially her high school friends who's eyes were sparkling while looking through the rooms. 

"Wow, this is so much better than the hotel!" Yangyang called out to his fellow spy in Mandarin, although Xiaojun did not give much of a reaction to the boy's screams. Instead, he opened a door and let a small, satisfied smirk pass through as he immediately fell in love with the vibe of that particular room, right beside the one his friend had chosen.

Haeun watched everything happen with an unreadable expression and in the end sighed, beginning to step down the huge staricase. Her eyes were open about 1/2 of the way than usual and she struggled to keep herself awake as she stumbled into the office hallway. There she almost bumped into Johnny who froze in place at the sight of the young girl. The 2 still hadn't made up, but she didn't with Taeyong either so she frankly did not mind. That's why she only glanced at him slightly before passing next to him, shoulders brushing. More like her shoulder against his lower arm but he was a tree so it did not bother her. The impact had been made.

The girl shut herself in her office again and she scanned over it a slight smile falling onto her lips. When she first came in here, she was disappointed at the lack of documents and books on the many shelves and her clean desk had seemed unsettling. Now, it was all covered by papers, folders, notebooks and used pens and the sight of that made Haeun extremely excited for some reason. She then went around the desk and fell onto her extremely comfortable rolling chair.

Her gaze scanned over the many notes along with the screen of her computer displaying the very detailed plan written on it. But she knew there were key points missing on it, that's why she opened yet another word document with another, smaller plan on it.

It did feel kind of wrong to assign a mission right as they get comfortable, but contrasting to what her brother had said, Haeun thought that it was better to find out as much information and then wipe the White Slicers out as soon as possible. They had already tresspassed and attacked a few locations in the NCT territory. 

And that's why she had to exterminate them now rather than later. 

Finally deciding to go sleep early, Haeun, who was already prepared for bed, strolled towards her personal kitchen. Being the leader, she had her own small suite inside the house. It consisted of 4 rooms: livingroom/kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and closet. All of these were quite spacious and luxurious, making the girl feel like a princess.

She got to the fridge and opened it revealing the minimal contents inside and grabbed one of the cold water bottles. As she began sipping on it, drowsily looking towards her bedroom door, there was a sudden knock at the door. At first it was quiet and wary then evolved into a solid, perfectly hearable nod. Haeun knew she couldn't just ignore it since she literally left the other guys downstair just minutes before, making her stagger towards the door. Shortly after, she opened it and her eyes widened at the tall figure on the other side.

"May I... come in?" The proposal was extremely quiet and awkward. Haeun glanced up and down the currently empty hallway, then silently nodded and moved to the side, letting the boy in.

"What do you need, Jisung?" She asked in a neutral voice, shutting the door behind her and then rested her back against it. 

The boy stood perfectly straight in front of her, his now brown-black hair falling down onto his eyes effortlessly, hiding what he was truly feeling inside. Haeun had noticed pretty easily how he had changed - the shirts he owned now fit way better onto his refined body, muscles popping through. He had clearly worked his best for them. His demeanour had also become different, he moved more silently and effortlessly now.

And the girl hated the fact that she noticed all of that. But Jisung had also examined her closely although from far away.

Her hair had grown slightly, now almost reaching her lower back. Her outfit choises mainly consisted of dark hoodies paired with skinny jeans. From the few times he's seen her in a T-shirt, he realized that she had somehow slimmed down, even if she was already extremely tiny before. The slight acnee from the edges of her face disappeared, making it completely smooth. And the look in her eye... they seemed to glimmer. Even in the dark, you would still be able to see them shining brightly like small stars. And although she's been looking like a zombie lately, she was still graceful and mature, further pinpointing her beauty.

The boy swallowed before speaking as calmly as he could. He didn't want to show how much anger and hurt he was actually feeling. "Since when were you back?"

"I came about a week ago." Haeun seemed to care less, when in fact, her heart was pounding frantically at how unreadable he was as he stood in front of her, basically towering over her. 

Jisung took in a deep breath through gritted teeth and closed his eyes frustrated. "Were you not even going to talk to me?"

"About what?" The girl asked confidently, but felt that feeling fade away seeing the look he sent her.

"You know... about what happened." He still attemtped keeping his voice down.

"What happened?" Haeun decided to continue playing dumb, but did not expect what was to happen next.

"LEE HAEUN!" Jisung yelled out in complete frustration, sending her a furious look and the girl was left with her mouth slightly opened, speechless. It was rare for anyone to raise her voice at her, so she was quite surprised.

The boy was raging, even more annoyed by the fact she stayed silent, unreadable. He was about to rant, but suddenly she pushed herself off the door and stepped really close towards him and took a deep breath.

"Let's take this to the bedroom."

Oh my god- GURL

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Oh my god- GURL

And also

I'm getting killed by all these comebacks :(. Nct Dream with Ridin' and now 127 comeback coming?!?

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