Part 19

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"Why do you keep appearing out of nowhere these days?!" Taeyong yelled out frustrated as he paced around the room whilst the girl sat in her chair, her legs crossed on the table

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"Why do you keep appearing out of nowhere these days?!" Taeyong yelled out frustrated as he paced around the room whilst the girl sat in her chair, her legs crossed on the table.

"I don't know. I felt like shutting you up."

"You're interrupting Haeun's life-"

"No, you are." She coldly glared at him, making the boy go quiet. "Do you know how excited she was because of her first mission? Not only her, you also ruined it for everyone. Did you see what happened to the good mood as soon as you opened your disgusting mouth to spew nonsense?"

There was a silent as Ryuwon in Haeun's body stared him down. Taeyong tried to answer, but no words came out.

"Haeun is a responsible girl. I don't even need to come out whenever she's in danger anymore. She knows best what she can and cannot do. And this will be something she can deal with." Her voice died down slightly as she took her legs off of the table with a sigh, closing her eyes against her tearing headache.

"How would you know how she feels?" Taeyong scoffed, making the girl's head snap to him. "You're just someone who remembers her worst moments. You don't even have feelings."

There was a silence as she blinked a few times. "Don't pretend you know everything."

"Well, this much I k-"

"I'm starting to remember her memories." She whispered, barely audibly.

"Who's? Haeun's?"

She shook her head. "No. The original Ryuwon's."

Dumbfounded, Taeyong stood frozen. He watched as she turned to him, the fire in her eyes gone. "And it hurts."

The silence seemed to go on forever and the girl took it as a cue to continue talking.

"I feel like I'm becoming her. Haeun's memories of the events are beginning to fade and new ones replace them. But... they're from Ryuwon's perspective. And it's so fucking painful, I feel like it's tearing me apart. But I can't say anything. I'm forced to stay silent in that head and can only speak from time to time. I feel like... I'm becoming Ryuwon." 

The words slowly sunk into them both as they both stayed silent. Taeyong couldn't believe what he was hearing, especially such a heartbroken voice coming from the voice inside Haeun's head that he completely despised.

"Did you know that Ryuwon was often beaten by her parents?" Her quiet, shaky voice sounded through the room and Taeyong swallowed due to the complete shock. "Do you remember how she died? All of the stuff that happened to her in the few hours before she passed in pain?" She chocked on her words, causing her to shut up and put her face down as her eyes became glossy with tears.

"That's impossible." The boy breathed out in disbelief. "Ryuwon died a long time ago. How can you-"

"How the fuck do I know?!" The girl bursted out, looking up at Taeyong, tears rapidly streaming down her cheeks. "I hate this. I've never felt emotional pain, never had a conscience. I don't know what's going on. I thought the name 'Ryuwon' didn't mean anything when I suddenly got it a few weeks ago. But ever since then my life has been so terrible and Haeun's stress is not helping at all." She ranted, not knowing how to stop. "So please, please just leave her alone." 

Only the girl's breathing could be heard in the deep silence that ensued. Taeyong was frozen in place, not able to think or say anything. Suddenly, her eye began to twitch and she fully closed them, whispering one last time.

"Don't tell Haeun."

Taeyong stared as her body sat still, eyed closed for maybe 5 seconds. Then, they suddenly opened and the girl's pupils began flickering around the room.

"Oh? Where is everyone?" Haeun asked confused as her head turned to see they were in there alone. Then her hands went up to her face and she wiped the tears. "Why am I crying?"

Upon recieving no response, she stood up staring at her brother. "What happened?" 

"I think you're crying because of the switch." Taeyong muttered out the lie and the girl scanned him before leaning against the table.

"What did you two talk about? What happened after the first switch? Was she really mean?"

Taeyong swallowed and forced a small smile.

"Nothing happened, she just shut me up. " He then took a long breath. "I'm sorry. I was being unreasonable. You can go on the mission, just make sure to be safe." He assured and the girl's eyes sparked in excitement.

"Really? Yay!" 

The character development thought-

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The character development thought-

But who is the original Ryuwon?! :ooo

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