Part 21

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Haeun bit her lip slightly, shyly looking up into his deep eyes

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Haeun bit her lip slightly, shyly looking up into his deep eyes. His hair was falling over them, but she could still the see the shimmering in his pupil.

Jisung's hands were resting against the mattress by her head, hovering above her. His face was as handsome as ever and the girl swallowed while admiring his features.

Then, the boy slowly began leaning in. Their noses were slightly brushing against each other, making Haeun close her eyes shut at what's to come when...

Her eyes fluttered open and she saw the blank ceiling of her room. She felt a chill run down her spine as she thought about her dream while still half asleep.

"Ugh, why did I have to wake up.." Haeun nagged at herself and after a few seconds of being regretful, the realization hit her.

With wide eyes, the girl shot up in her bed, mouth agape. Her hand subconsciously ran through her long hair.

"Why did I just say that?" She lightly slapped her own cheek. The girl then remembered an even worse sin and her cheeks were flooded with color. "Oh my. Haeun, are you crazy?!" She yelled out before turning in her bed and plummeting down, her face falling onto the soft and comfortable pillow.

A few seconds later another muffled scream was heard and Haeun turned around to lay on her back again, embarrassed to the core. Her breaths were heavy as she thought back to the dream, then quickly shook it off in a panic.

What happened yesterday was that the 2 had gone to his room and as intended, played Super Smash bros. At some point she fell asleep and then she remembered waking up whilst she was being carried back into her room, passing out soon after.

Nothing happened... did it?

Her eyes widened at the thought and she quickly shuffled out of her comfortable bed. As she stumbled out of her bedroom, her eyes fell to the clock on the wall showing that it was 9:27am. Many of the guys would still be asleep by now. But that didn't stop her from running out into the hallway and down it.

Haeun bursted into one of the rooms which was barely lit due to the drawn curtains.

"Yah, Park Jisung!" She called out in a hurry.

"What?" She heard him groan and shuffle on his bed although she could not see him. 

The girl swallowed before flickering on the lights, earning a hum of protest coming from Jisung who covered his head with the bedsheet. Eager to find out, the girl didn't even bother closing the door as she strolled into the bedroom and sat at the edge of his bed.

"Did anything... happen yesterday?" Haeun quietly asked while fidgeting with her fingers in her lap.

"Yeah." Jisung hummed half-asleep, uncovering himself while looking at her. He was wearing a gray, sleeve-less tshirt revealing the muscles he's been working so hard for for the last few months.

The girl's eyes widened and her lips parted in shock at his statement as he used his elbows to raise himself up slightly to be able to face her. "We played Super Smash Bros."

"That's not what I meant." Haeun cried out, giving the boy a curious look. "Did anything else?"

"Hmmm..." He pretended to think about it. "Yeah."

"What?! What happened?" She exclaimed, making the edges of Jisung's lips to pull up in amusement. She didn't fail to notice it and immediately sent him a look of disbelief. "Why are you laughing?!"

"What do you think happened?" He asked in a teasing voice and Haeun threw her head back with a loud groan.

"Yah, this isn't funny!" She cried, pouting her lips while glaring at him.

"You fell asleep and I had to carry you back to your room. Your sleeping face is so ugly." Jisung smiled, thinking back to last nights events. The statement made Haeun relax as she exhaled in relief.

"And nothing else?" She questioned in order to make sure that her innocence and purity was still in tact. Or that the voice took over or anything.

Jisung tilted his head slightly, sending the girl a confused look. "Did you want something else to happen?" His voice deepened, sending a small shiver down Haeun's spine. She was dumbfounded as her cheeks took a light shade of pink and her heart rate sped up. Their eye contact seemed eternal as the girl bit her bottom lip in embarrassment.

And then someone interrupted. "What are you guys doing?"

Both of the teenager's heads snapped to the side, finding a half asleep Jaehyun rubbing his eyes in the open door. The boy suddenly realized what he was actually looking at and a small smirk pulled at his lips.

"Ooo, are you guys-"

"It's not like that!" The girl yelled out, standing up suddenly. The room was overtaken by silence as the 2 boys stared her in confusion, making her embarrassment even more evident. That's why she hurriedly walked out, ignoring Jaehyun completely as she ran back to her room and slammed the door.

 That's why she hurriedly walked out, ignoring Jaehyun completely as she ran back to her room and slammed the door

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Ok but Haeun do be having a rly dirty mind tho :o

And also, the ship name is officially HaeSung because I cant stand any of the other options lmao

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