Part 32

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"Remind me why the hell you're here again

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"Remind me why the hell you're here again."

"Because I'm bored, that's why."

Naeun heard the scoff coming from Renjun through the ear piece, but her eyes didn't leave the man she deemed as suspicious. The girl had of course dressed appropriate, fitting into the crowd as a teen waiting for her friend outside of a cafe, phone out and everything. Her face was partially covered by a mask since she realized the White Slicers probably knew how she looked like.

"Oh? Haeun? Is that you?" Naeun turned her head and to her surprise seeing Daehwi, one of her sister's male friends. She gave out a barely audible sigh as he walked over to her in excitement. "Oh, that's not Haeun's hair. You must be Naeun."

"Ah, yeah, haha." The girl laughed awkwardly, her eyes flickering between the boy and the suspicious individual.

"What are you doing here?" Daehwi continued the conversation as he glanced up at the name of the cafe.

"I'm waiting for a friend." Naeun lied and then pretended to check her phone. "Oh, she just told me out meetup location has changed. Sorry, but I gotta go." 

"Awh." The boy pouted his lips as he frowned. "I thought we could talk for a while."

"Yeah, sorry bud, today isn't a great time." She began slightly freaking out as she noticed the suspected man slyly making his war through the crowd, trying to go unnoticed but she saw right through him. 

Her worst fears were confirmed when she saw him pull out a black object from his pocket and openly pointed it right in their direction. But Naeun remained calm as she quickly pushed the oblivious Daehwi along with herself to the side. She was barely on time, as a loud bang sounded and the glass to the cafe behind her shattered. That's when the screaming of the passerby's erupted and the girl openly began speaking into her earpiece while maintaining eye contact with the now proven member of the White Slicers.

"Renjun, I need you to come here." She said clearly, not too fazed by the chaos around her. Daehwi being a part of exactly that looked at her in bewilderment. "Listen, I don't give a flying fuck if you're supposed to stay in the truck. I have Daehwi, our classmate here with me and he was definitely spotted with me. So you better get your ass here and take him, unless you want to be the bigger person and fight all these men." Naeun herself took out a gun, making Daehwi's eyes widened.

She only spared him a glance before pointing the weapon at him and swiftly pulling the trigger. The boy yelled in pure terror and shut his eyes, but the bullet did not land on him. Instead, it shot the man that was approaching from behind him, who now fell, clutching his injured arm.

The area around them began to clear, revealing the rest of the dreamies and members of the White Slicers, all having taken their weapons out. Naeun almost laughed at their dumbness.

"What are you-" Daehwi trailed off, seeing as the other twin ran beside them, getting back to back with her sister. She only sent her classmate an apologetic smile, before kicking a man square in the face as he approached them.

Daehwi then yelled out, feeling someone grip onto his shoulder, but turning back he was met with Renjun who was looking around anxiously. The elder boy did not offer any sort of explanation before he bagan dragging the other one towards a black truck parked on the side of the nearby street. 

"Jisung, you may prove yourself. It's now or never." Taeyong's voice came through the earpiece. Haeun glanced to the top of a nearby building, almost not noticing the unmistakable shape of a sniper gun along with someone that laid right behind it.

"I got it." Jisung's voice sounded confident, but he actually had a river of sweat go down the side of his face. He then aimed at his first target who was running towards Chenle with a long, shiny knife in his hand and then the boy pulled the trigger. The White Slicers member immediately dropped onto the floor. He definitely wasn't dead as Jisung had shot the man in the thigh, but the sight of the blood beginning to pool around him made him shuffle in discomfort.

"Well, that was great. But do you mind helping me a little bit?" Jaemin's voice came through this time and the younger boy immediately snapped out of it, changing his aim. It landed on the man who was currently involved in a heated hand-to-hand comebat with Jaemin. "Just try not to kill me Sung."

"Can you somehow make a distance between you?" The younger boy asked as he was too afraid to shoot right now, scared that he might hit his friend. Jaemin then kicked his opponent, who staggered backwards, letting Jisung quickly re-adjust his aim and shoot that one in the leg as well, making him fall down with a yell. And then according to plan, the young boy grabbed the weapon, threw it in the case and dashed back into the building.

"Try to injure as little as possible." Haeun's authorative self came through the earpiece. "We already got out information, so now it's time to retreat. Jaemin, heard you got something you're planning."

"Yes ma'am." The boy that was addressed smirked. Since his opponent was not in the way anymore, he swiftly took out one of his precious toys from the multi-use belt around his waist. He then watched the door of the nearby building patiently until it burst open and he saw Jisung's figure flying in the direction of the van, according to plan. 

"Alright then, let's see the power of this bad boy." Jaemin giggled and opened the lid of the smoke grenade. Then after receiving a nod from Haeun, he threw it up and the moment it landed, the entire crew was already running. The grenade exploded, creating a coating of thick smoke. Because of it you could barely even see your feet, but that didn't stop the dreamies from reaching the vehicle that was awaiting them, Johnny in the front.

"Drive!" Haeun yelled out, shutting the door behind her as she was the last one to hop in.

"Are you sure we should go to the headquarter?" Johnny's eyes met hers as he stared into the rear-view mirror, glanding towards a trembling Daehwi.

"Just drive." She hissed, her gaze also travelling the same direction.

"Alright then."

So I thought a lot about this and thought that it could be slightly fun to add someone to the 'i know about NCT and the gang shit' club

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So I thought a lot about this and thought that it could be slightly fun to add someone to the 'i know about NCT and the gang shit' club.

But is Daehwi going to tell people? :o

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