Part 15

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"Didn't her demeanour yesterday remind you of someone?" Jaemin asked the boys who sat on the 2 couches on the living room

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"Didn't her demeanour yesterday remind you of someone?" Jaemin asked the boys who sat on the 2 couches on the living room. It was just the dreamies, a day after the evaluation.

"I know right, it kind of did." Jeno mumbled out in wonder as all of them thought back as to why the sudden change felt so familiar. Suddenly, Mark clapped his hands in realization and then pointed his finger towards the rest of the guys who were still confused.

"Isn't it similar to her sister, Naeun or something?" He said confidently and the guys all gasped in realization.

"Do you think she replaced her for the evaluation?!" Donghyuck called out a bit too loud and the rest of the guys hushed him, looking around the otherwise empty room.

"That would make sense. Haeun doesn't seem that strong." Jeno leaned back with a proud look, feeling as if he had unraveled a murder mystery.

"But when did Naeun arrive? Someone would've noticed a girl teleporting throughout the house and realize it's 2 similar ones." Mark continued thinking aloud, causing the other guys to also begin considering his words.

"Yah, are you badmouthing me?" The sudden voice made all them jump up and snap their heads towards the door. In it stood Haeun, dressed in all black, but the fashion choice would not be something she would've chosen. They then slowly realised the small details that were out of place: her shoulder-length hair compared to the waist-long one, a bottom lip piercing as well as a small, black suitcase that she was leaning on. The way she smirked was also different and the guys quickly realized that they were currently facing the other half: Naeun.

"Why do you all look live you've just seen a ghost?" Her eyes darted around the room, stopping on each face as she chuckled lightly. "So you were badmouthing me."

"No, we weren't!" Mark clarified and hurriedly stood to his feet. The girl raised an eyebrow, not really buying it. "Were you here yesterday at the evaluation?"

"Huh?" She hummed confused. "No, I arrived just now. You guys had an evaluation? What did you do?" Her voice was coated by curiousity and the boys realized that she actually had no idea about it.

"A-ah, just hand-to-hand combat." Mark managed to blurt out making her pout slightly in confusion, but she brushed it off.

"Anyways, aren't you going to wish me a happy birthday?" She asked them. The boy's eyes widened, completely having forgotten it was the twins's birthday today.

"Happy birthday." They said in a non-perfect unison and lightly bowed their head.

Then their awkward moment was interrupted as Taeyong entered the room. He looked stressed, and whenever he did he seened slightly angry. Naeun turned to him and as he noticed her, a small smile fell to his lips.

"Oh, you're here. Happy birthday." He embraced the girl, but the siblings quickly pulled away from each other.

"Thanks. Where's Haeun?" The question made Taeyong's smile fade as his face fell back to that very serious look. He then leaned into the girls ear and whispered something which wasn't audible to the guys and her smile also disappeared as she sent him a shocked look.


He nodded, pursing his lips together into a thin line. The girl then ushered her brother and the two walked off in the direction of his office.

"So she even has a name now..." Naeun trailed off, currently leaning on Mark's unnocupied desk. Taeyong sat on his own facing her, a grim expression on his face. "Doesn't that mean she's developing?"

"I don't know honestly." The boy threw his head back annoyance lasing his tone. He then looked back down at her. "But she was... weird. As if she isn't trying to take over Haeun's life, just trying to protect her." He mumbled out but that instantly caught Naeun's attention.

"Did she say she was?" 

He nodded slightly.

"It would make sense..." The girl looked down towards the ground. "She chose that name, afterall. It must signify something." 

Taeyong again nodded, finding her name choice to be quite surprising. The girl then remembered something and looked up, making eye contact with her brother.

"What triggered her to come out?" Her words were dry but judgemental and after seeing his gaze flickering, she immediately realized something went down between her other siblings. "What happened? She didn't just come out because she wanted to fight, she wouldn't put Haeun in that danger. Haeun can fight on her own anyways, so would you please explain to me what the fuck happened?" The girl began raising her voice at her brother who was still staring at the wooden floor.

"We had... an argument."

"What type of argument."

Taeyong took a big breath before explaining everything, leaving the girl dumbfounded. But that only lasted a few seconds and soon she glared towards her brother.

"Do you really want to decrease her already low self esteem that much?" She watched him judgementally, hissing through her gritten teeth. The boy did not reply as he fidgeted with his fingers, knowing he had been in the wrong. 

There was silence and Naeun acknowledged that her brother felt sorry. But that didn't stop her from speaking coldly as she pushed herself off the desk.

"Eunhyuck, Sunny and Onew will arrive later on today. They may bring along some of their team members. My girls will also come by for the party, and TVXQ can't make it. Make sure to set things straight with Haeun so she can enjoy a nice, peaceful day." The girl declared and then walked out of the room.

" The girl declared and then walked out of the room

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Ma girls be 17 ayeee

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