Part 64

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"How are you feeling?" Jisung asked upon entering the girl's bedroom

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"How are you feeling?" Jisung asked upon entering the girl's bedroom. She was still laying in her bed, thinking about stuff.

"I'm fine." She forced a smile, sitting up whilst leaning against the bed frame.

"You don't need to lie to me." The boy said stoftly, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Ryu- I mean, the voice was out. That means that you must be going through a hard time." He mentally slapped himself for almost blurting out the wrong thing.

Yet Haeun didn't seem to notice and she sighed. "It's just... tiring sometimes."

"It's okay to be tried, Haeun. You're already great, you shouldn't be overdoing yourself." He naturally  placed a hand on her cheek and his thumb began caressing her soft skin. 

The girl smiled bitterly. "But I should be doing better. I'm the leader afterall." 

"But before that you're a 17 year old girl. You shouldn't take on more than you are able to handle." He said, his voice now a little stricter. 

"Are you trying to boss me around?" Haeun chuckled whilst looking up at him with amused eyes.

"Yes, of course. I'm older and your boyfriend. I should be taking care of you." Jisung pouted his lips cutely.

"Don't flatter yourself." The girl shot back, her voice now a little more energetic. "You're the biggest scaredy cat I've ever seen." 

"Hey, that's just in amusement parks!" Jisung whined, earning a small giggle from Haeun.

There was a comfortable silence as the boy took the strand of hair that fell over her face and tucked it behind her ear. He then looked to her glimmering eyes, which were staring right back at him.

"What?" He hummed, seeing that Haeun was unusually silent and looked at him in a way that he hasn't seen before.

"I love you." She suddenly blurted out. 

Jisung froze. At first, he couldn't process what she had said, but soon a warmth spread through his body as his heart skipped a beat. It brought a soft smile up to his lips as he eyed her beautiful feautures.

Without thinking, his hand snuck behind her head and he pulled her closer. His lips collided with her forehead as he planted a soft kiss to it.

"I love you too." He muttered into her skin. Haeun's then buried her head in his chest and wrapped her hands around his torso. She closed the gap between them completely and took in his scent. Haeun melted in his warmth, feeling her heart leap wildly every time his hand drew comforting circles on her back.

"Do you know what the voice told me?" Jisung said in a calming voice whilst rocking her from side to side.

"What?" Haeun hummed into his clothes.

"That I make you happy." The tips of his lips went up, recalling the huge compliment.

"Why are you so shocked?" The girl chuckled as she leaned back to look up at him. "Did you think that you make me sad?"

"No, of course not!" Jisung defended. "Just that it felt nice to hear it from someone who's really close to you. And more real."

"Do you want to hear it from me?" Haeun asked in a mocking tone.

"Yes, of course." Jisung chuckled, thinking she was joking. He expected her to say something like 'no, I hate you.' ,but instead she said

"You make me so happy." She exclaimed with a wide grin.

Jisung's brow raised, the surprise filling him up.

"You make me so fucking happy Jisung. And I probably won't be able to live without you." Haeun breathed out, staring deeply into his eyes.

There was a silence as Jisung lost all confident and was completely clueless as to what he was supposed to say. Haeun continued looking at him expectantly.

"Don't I make you happy?" She pputed her lips slightly, staring at him with a frown.

"Yes! Yes of course yes, Haeun, you're literally like my sun-" Jisung began panicking, scared that he might have hurt her feelings.

Yet Haeun just smiled proudly before cupping both of his cheeks and pulling him in.

Their lips met and it didn't take long for Jisung to begin kissing back. His hands tightened around her waist, pulling her close yet again.

Now used to the feeling completely, their lips worked together in perfect harmony as they leaned back and forth, each of them gaining power at certain moments.

And then suddenly, Jisung began tickling the girl on her sides.

Haeun jumped up with a yelp, beginning to laugh and complain at the same time, but the boy kept going at it.

The room was filled with yells and a lot of giggling as the 2 began fighting playfully, both trying to overpower the other.

And it wasn't surprising when Jisung got a hold of both of Haeun's wrists and pushed her down, hovering above her.

The girl's eyes were wide as she felt the slightest bit of his weight on her. They felt each other's warm breaths mix as they both calmed down from their furious tickling.

And as the situation called it, Jisung closed his eyes and began leaning in again. Haeun was also ready, anticipating the kiss that she was sure she was going to receive.

"Hey, Haeun, I'll be leaving-" the door burst open and as the 2 teen's snapped their heads in that direction, they saw Taeyong standing in the door frame.

His expression slowly fell, seeing the scene playing out in front of him. His eyes which were filled with shock flickered between the two, not knowing who to scold first.

"O-oppa, I can explain-" Haeun began, pushing Jisung off of her yet her brother just pursed his lips together before closing the door with a loud slam.

There was a short-lived silence before Haeun began chuckling. That soon turned into a proper laugh that was so contagious that it forced Jisung to join in as well.

"He's not too happy, is he?" The boy joked.

"But who cares, right?"
"Not us."

Ok wow I was gone for so longBut I'm back :DSorry, I've just been having a writer's block for most books

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Ok wow I was gone for so long
But I'm back :D
Sorry, I've just been having a writer's block for most books. The most annoying thing is that I keep getting new book ideas, but not any for my current ones, I-

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