Part 72

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"You what."

The dark, cold and emotionless voice stroke a fearful shiver all the way down Mark's spine. He shifted in the leather chair uncomfortably, a sweat running down the side of his face. 

His mouth was sealed shut as he was too afraid to even meet the eyes of the elder boy.

"Give me a second, I need to process."  Johnny closed his void eyes whilst taking a deep breath.

But Mark knew that this was just the calm before the storm.

"So you're fucking telling me that before joining SM company, you and the rest of the dream members were members of the White Slicers? AND YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT JUST NOW?!" Johnny exploded, his palm slamming down onto the wooden coffee table which was the only thing separating him and Mark.

The other gulped, feeling his heart beat triple as the ringing in his ears intensified.

"I didn't know it was the White Slicers. When we were members in it's early days, the gang was called 'Bloodshot Eyes'." Mark tried to fight for his innocense, still too afraid to meet Johnny's enraged eyes.

"How could you figure it out just now?!" 
"Well, I saw the files of some potential members and some struck a bell..." 

"Fucking hell Mark." Johnny leaned into his own leather chair, throwing his head back as he grunted loudly. "Do you know how much time we could have saved if you or the other dream members were a little more observant?" 

"Sorry..." Mark trailed off. Sure, he could also be scary and intimidating if he wished to be. But he didn't even measure up to how terrifying Haeun, Johnny, Taeyong and Yuta could be. Not even in the slightest. And he also knew that he had made the mistake and it was all his fault.

"Call in the dreamies and Haeun. You're going to tell us everything you know and maybe it will help with dealing with them." Johnny ordered in an authorative tone, making Mark shoot up immediately.

"Yes!" The boy yelled out before sprinting out of the room.

The discussion room was as silent as ever, it becoming so unbearable that everyone's ears rang.

Haeun was sitting in her chair at the top of the table, a look of pure disbelief on her face. Beside her were Johnny and Mark who were awaiting her reaction, whilst the rest of the dreamies were consumed by shock.

"So you're saying that you guys worked for Chuwol before joining SM?" The young leader asked, looking up at her members.

"We..." Donghyuck began, but the rest of the sentence got stuck in his throat.

"I swear, we didn't know! Everyone called him 'boss' and we've never seen him in person. The day we were supposed to, something went wrong and soon after we left the gang." Mark explained whilst looking at Haeun with pleading eyes.

The girl licked her lips whilst in thought before a dark realization dawned upon her. 

"Was that the day when your gang kidnapped some girl and her mother?" 

The dreamies looked at each other before nodding.

"But how did you know that..." Jaemin trailed off eyeing his leader carefully.

Haeun looked up with dark eyes, looking at everyone one-by-one. "That day I was kidnapped with my mother." 

Another prolonged silence overtook the room as the dreamies held in their breaths not knowing how to react at all. They all felt the shock and guilt wash over them like a cold wave.

"Well shit." Jeno breathed out, unable to react in any other way.

Haeun threw her head back with an annoyed sigh, the complicated situation making her headache pulsate.

Just then, the door to the meeting room was thrown open and everyone snapped their heads towards it to find Taeyong in the frame.

"Hey, I'm back..." He exclaimed, but quickly noticed the mood wasn't so great and welcoming. "What's going on?"

"Nothing. Just tell me if Chuwol still has connections with MK." Haeun straightened up, staring her brother down.

Taeyong shut the door behind him before walking up closer to her. "No, they parted long ago. Sunny even said that he's been on their to kill list for stealing a lot of valuable information. They offered to help us catch him too." 

"Well, that's good I guess." Haeun slouched her tense shoulders, feeling slightly more at ease.

"Does this mean we should proceed with the plan?" Johnny questioned and his rolling chair squeaked as he sat up straighter.

The young girl smirked. "Plan Yuri will be set in action." 


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I lowkey highkey loved Frozen II

Anyways, new Mark and Hyuck books are out and I would love it if you gave them a try :D

I'm also starting to work on a Lucas protester book so watch out for that too ;))

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