Part 28

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"Okay honestly like fuck me, what a persistent old man

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"Okay honestly like fuck me, what a persistent old man." Jeno whined as he kicked one of the chairs.

"Can you like shut up, we're trying to find him." Donghyuck hissed back as he also observed from a different part of the roof.

"He's really got some guts thought. It will be fun to deal with him." Naeun chimed in, smirking as she monitored the front entrance. "Ei, Junnie, you got the security system yet?" 

"Can you not call me Junnie, I'm a year older than you."

"And I can beat you into a pulp in 30 seconds." The girl growled back making Renjun roll his eyes.

"It's not that easy to hack a full security system, especially with just a laptop."

"Whatever, Yeri would've done it by now." She scoffed and the boy seemed like he was at the verge of exploding when Jisung spoke.

"I think I see him. Taeyong said it's a masked man wearing red sneakers, right?" His comment alerted everyone and they all immediately ran over to his side of the roof. Haeun hurriedly got down next to him, their shoulder's brushing and she squirmed her eyes in order to see better. Jisung was startled by the sudden contact, but just gulped and tried to ignore it.

"Wow, it comes to no surprise you're a sniper. How did you notice him?" The girl turned his head to him and the boy felt rather uncomfortable at their close proximity.

"Yeah..." He mumbled awkwardly as her attention turned back to the guy.

"What do you think he's doing?" Chenle questioned, also eyeing the suspicious individual. The man was acting strangely, pacing up and down the sidewalk beyong the school wall. It was a miracle that Jisung managed to find him as he was almost hidden by the many tree branches. 

"What do you think he's planning?" Jaemin asked, his eyes also fixed on him in pure interest.

"Maybe he's trying to make sure we do go to this school?" Renjun suggested and it was a pretty valid point.

At that moment, the door was loudly thrown open and we all snapped backwards in sheer terror of being caught. Instead, a smiling Yangyang held up 2 plastic bags full of snacks.

"I got the food!"

"What do we do now?" Naeun sat onto her twin sister's desk and she stared out the windows. Renjun had gotten access to the security system and was monitoring Chuwol. But they somehow needed to leave the school.

"We'll need to figure out a way to not get caught." Haeun packed up her bags. "He only knows our and Yangyang's face so we can find a way out through the fence or something. The other guys can just leave normally." She shrugged and her sister nodded along.

"Haeun, Naeun!" Lisa's voice peaked over the room as she ran to the two girls with a smile. "Let's go hang out. We can eat and then go to the arcade and then to karaoke!"

Her excitement radiated onto the twins but despite their willingness to go, they had to decline the offer.

"Sorry. My dad wants us home early." Yet another lie escaped my mouth and Naeun nodded. Lisa's lips fell into a pout.

"Aww... well I guess next time?" She asked with hopeful eyes and we both nodded.

Soon enough, the classroom had emptied when the rest of the boys came inside.

"I know a safe place to jump over the fence." Donghyuck said as soon as they stepped through the door, making Haeun beam.


"Yeah. I can take y'all. From what Renjun has been observing, he's on the far opposite side." The boy concluded and a weird expression washed over Renjun's face.

"Right, I haven't checked that for a while now..." his words immediately made everyone feel on edge as he quickly pulled out his phone and began typing. We all waited in anticipation as his eyes flickered to many sides of the screen and in the end he looked up with a look of worry. "I lost him."

The rest of the guys including Haeun voiced their concerns whilst Naeun frowned. "This could mean he left."

Her statement immediately changed the mood.

"She's right. He probably thought we don't go here." Yangyang grinned, seemingly proud.

"Well then let's go. There's no point in jumping over the fence since he's not here." Haeun declared, getting many looks of approval.

But as Jeno and Jemin were the first to walk out into the hallway, they immediately halted stopping everyone behind them.

"What the hell-" Naeun was interrupted as they harshly pushed everyone back, closing the door.

"It's him."

Those words immediately set off the twins as well as Yangyang and the 3 of them ran towards any hiding spot that was available. Haeun took shelter under a desk right by the wall below the classroom windows that looked out into the school hallway. Naeun on the other hand jumped behind the other door and crouched down, making her invisible. Yangyang slid under the teachers desk.

The dreamies immediately got into character and Jeno pretended that their sudden come back to the classroom was because he had forgotten something. They chartered like average high school boys, occasionally sparing a glance towards the hallway. Their blood ran cold as they watched the male slowly walk by, carefully scanning the classroom before continuing.

"This guy is seriously nuts." Jeno breathed out, as he still kept his voice down. Jaemin was the one to pop his head out of the shut classroom door and looked around the hallway which was empty except the few students in it.

"All clear." He declared making everyone sigh relieved and get out of their hiding spots.

"I guess we do need to get rid of him. And soon." Haeun grumpily said, fists clenching.

Oof sometimes I feel like my characters are lacking proper personalities like Naeun and Ryuwon seem to be so alike, even to me

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Oof sometimes I feel like my characters are lacking proper personalities like Naeun and Ryuwon seem to be so alike, even to me.

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