Part 73

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Yuri was walking down the ghosted street at a hurried pace

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Yuri was walking down the ghosted street at a hurried pace. She hugged the light jacket closer around herself, feeling her entire body trembling. 

But it wasn't the minor cold. It was the icy fear climbing up her spine.

Sure, she was almost 100% sure that nothing would happen to her. The NCT members were stationed all around the place and wouldn't let her get hurt, but it was still an extremely nerve-wrecking and risky mission.

And as expected, Yuri's breath hitched when a tall and skinny masked individual jumped onto the path in from of her. 

"Well, well, well, what do we have here." Chuwol chuckled, tearing the mask off of his face as he analyzed Yuri from head-to-toe. The girl looked around, seeing that a few other masked men now surrounded her. 

"I didn't know Haeun would be dumb enough to let you walk these empty streets by yourself." The leader continued with his sly talk as he began stepping closer. Yuri stood her ground as she was instructed but she could hear her heart beating rapidly. 

Her panic increased even further as she saw him take out a black object from the inner pocket of his black leather jacket. "I'll ask you nicely. You either voluntarily come with me or else..." Chuwol smirked, pointing the gun right at her chest.

But before the girl could even answer, someone jumped at Chuwol and sent a strong kick to his side. The gun fell out of his grip and clattered onto the cement quite far from where he now laid.

His surprised eyes looked up to find none other than Lee Haeun standing above him, blowing a strand of her hair out of her face.

"You're more predictable than I thought, Chuwol." The girl snickered, eyeing him carefully.

Then all of the NCT members surrounded his men, obviously with a great advantage. 

Chuwol looked around, seeing as he was overpowered. He gritted his teeth in rage as he made eye contact with Haeun.

"Younchin." He simply growled out and next thing anyone knew, one of the masked men lunged himself right at Yuri.

The young girl screamed as he delivered a strong punch to her stomach, making her fly a couple of meters back before she plummeted to the ground with a loud thud. Jeno was the first to yell out before his eyes set towards Younchin and he lunged himself at him with a battle cry. That set off the univetable bloody fights.

Chuwol used the chaos to get up and he began sprinting away into a smaller alley in an attempt to escape the inevitable. Haeun immediately noticed that, feeling the rage begin to take over her.

"HEY YOU ASSHOLE!" She yelled out, immediately setting off after him.

Taeyong was also about to follow them, but Johnny grabbed his forearm. The second in command looked up to find the other's calming eyes.

"She'll be fine. She should finish him on her own. He's her enemy afterall." Johnny exclaimed, looking at where the young leader had just disappeared before returning to the bloody fight.

And he was right. Haeun was fuelled with demonic rage as she turned corner upon corner, running after the tall man. It didn't take long until they reached a small, gated football field and the girl cornered Chuwol in it. 

He was looking around frantically for any sort of escape, knowing that facing the young gang leader would result in his death.

"I finally got you." Haeun breathed out and pulled out a gun. She clicked off the security as she began approaching him at gunpoint, taking her time with it.

Her mind began replaying everything this man has ever done to her. From the time he kidnapped her and her mother, to when he abused Yuri and almost killed Jisung. These memories made her pulse increase as she imagined all of the ways that she would torture him before gifting him with a slow and extremely painful death. He would be begging for it by the time she was done with him.

But that all came to a stop as the sudden, excrutiating pain in her chest made her breath hitch in her throat. It felt as if two giant hands were tearing her into two seperate pieces, digging their long nails deep into her chest. Haeun tried to maintain her dominance, yet the twitching of her face gave away that there was something wrong.

She couldn't breathe as the pain spread all throughout her body, making her legs weak as they were on the verge of giving out. Her eyes inevitebly got filled with warm tears that soon began falling down her rosy cheeks and onto the glass below. Her head began spinning and she could no longer recognize Chuwol in the slightest. 

She felt like she was dying.

And as that was happening, the voice in her head was beginning to emerge. They continuously switched, making the situation even worse. Their disorientation and combined nausea will get them killed.

Chuwol immediately noticed that, seeing as the girl in front of him began stumbling to the side. A content smirk made it's way to his lips and he looked around, seeing that there was no support for the girl at all. 

He then walked up to her casually, seeing no threat as her empty eyes were not even set on him. His hand grasped the tip of the gun and harshly pulled it out of her grip, before pushing her down onto the grass.

Haeun's looked up in terror, just seeing the outline of his body as he stood above her, gun pointed right at her head.

Chuwol began laughing like a maniac, walking away and beginning to pace in circles.

"I didn't know killing Lee Haeun would be this easy." He said to himself, seeing as the girl began limply getting up, trying to stabilize herself.

They were at a few meters distance as Chuwol raised his gun again and Haeun stood there helpless.

"See you in hell, Miss Lee." He chuckled seeing as she emitted her last breaths,


Like I really want to update this book quickly but I also want y'all to experience the suspence

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Like I really want to update this book quickly but I also want y'all to experience the suspence

So what happened?

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