Part 67

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The couple walked hand in hand, the street lights illuminating them beautifully

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The couple walked hand in hand, the street lights illuminating them beautifully. It was already quite late and the girl had decided to take the long walk instead of a bus and her boyfriend, although reluctant, followed her.

"By the way, what's this?" Jisung asked, raising the bag he held in his other hand. It was a black bag which he had offered to carry.

"That?" Haeun hummed. "Just some stuff Yuri left back at the mansion. She needs to get it back to pack it up as well, you know." She said, not so enthusiastic.

They were currently on their way to her best friends house, obviously dropping something off.

Jisung could immediately sense how down his girlfriend felt.

He squeezed her hand a little tighter. "Are you okay?" He asked, voice filled with worry.

"I'm going to miss her." Haeun confessed, her lips forming a straight line like the one of an emoji.

Upon a few seconds of silence, she looked up to find Jisung looking down at her, still worried.

"But it's okay!" She hurriedly exclaimed with a small smile on her lips. "I'm happy for her! Not many people get to go study to the US!" The girl cheered, but Jisung wasn't buying it.

As he was about to find any comforting words, he was interrupted as Haeun suddenly let go of his hand.

"There's her house!" She called out with a wide grin, beginning to skip in that direction.

Jisung sighed, following suit. But as he was about to walk onto the main path, someone suddenly grabbed him by the elbow.

"What the hell-"
"Shhh, omg, look!" Haeun pointed somewhere from where they were ducking behind a bush.

Jisung's eyes narrowed slightly, trying to figure out where her finger led to. His incredible eyesight immediately led him to a small, two-storey house accross the street. There were 2 figures in front of it, obviously speaking as he could hear from their muffled voices.

The boy's brows furrowed. "Are those?"

"Jeno and Yuri." Haeun breathed out, looking shocked.

Jisung's eyes widened an inch as he focused on the two.

"Damn, I knew there was something fishy going on. Can't believe Yuri didn't tell me though." Haeun continued whispering, a small pout falling onto her lips.

As they continued stalking the other couple, they saw them speak for a couple of more minutes before something intriguing finally happened.

Jeno grabbed the significantly shorter girl by the waist and pulled her in. His hands then went around her waist as her face collided with his chest. Yuri's arms encircled his torso, creating probably the most heart-warming hug. Then, the 2 pulled away and Jeno leaned down to plant a kiss on the girl's lips.

Haeun at this point was repeatedly smacking her boyfriend on the arm, trying to not squel from the excitement she felt. Jisung didn't have much of an opinion, yet their secret relationship did come as a shock to him.

"Oh, I'm gonna tease her so hard for this." Haeun smirked, watching as the couple parted and Yuri soon went back into her house.

"And I'll take care of Jeno." Jisung smirked before looking over to his girlfriend. "Should we go now?"

"Yeah, let's go drop off the bag. Maybe I'll get some answers then." The girl smiled before taking him by the hand. "Let's go!!"

Haeun let out a deep sigh, stumbling through the door to her suite. Her legs hurt from the long walk she had taken, yet she was content and excited.

As she opened the door to her bathroom, she almost jumped seeing that the light was open and someone was already occupying it.

Haeun's eyes scanned over the sink counter, seeing her minimal makeup all over the place as someone had obviously gone through it. Her vision then shifted upwards towards her twin sister who was staring at her scared.

"Naeun? What are you-" the girl trailed off and gasped as she looked at the mirror.

Naeun's neck and collarbone was littered with dark spots and small bites, which Haeun quickly recognized to be hickeys. Her twin was holding up a tube of concealer as well as a small makeup sponge.

"Oh, uh..." Naeun chuckled nervously, seeing her sister's twin expression.

"Don't tell me you-" Haeun pointed an accusing finger in her direction, yet was interrupted.

"No! No, nothing happened!" The other girl exclaimed defensively, waving her hands in front of her.

"Nothing? Are you seeing your neck?!" Haeun continued attacking.

"Let me explain!" Naeun pleaded and watched as her twin sister crossed her arms.

"Go on. Explain yourself."

"So, uhm, the hickeys happened..." Naeun began, awkwardly scratching the back of her neck.

Haeun raised an eyebrow. "Hurry up or I'm telling Taeyong."

"He fell asleep, okay?!" Her twin yelled out, the fear obvious in her voice.

Haeun's brows furrowed. "What?"

"Like, as we were getting in the mood and Donghyuck already left all of these, he just fell asleep? Like, I want answers too!" Naeun whined.

It took Haeun a couple of seconds to process before she bursted out into laughter.

"He fell asleep?" She asked in disbelief, eyes filling with joyful tears.

"Hey! I was actually expecting some stuff to happen!" Naeun continued complaining.

"Oh? You were?" Haeun asked in disbelief, making her twin immediately regret what she had said. "You dirty hoe, come here, I'll teach you a lesson before Taeyong does."

He fell asleep, I'm-

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He fell asleep, I'm-

Istg I have like 2 more Hyuck fanficts in my drafts but i should finish the one i currently have 🤡

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