Part 4

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The girl stomped down the ghosted hallway, this time the bright sunlight pouring in from the giant windows to her right

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The girl stomped down the ghosted hallway, this time the bright sunlight pouring in from the giant windows to her right. After thinking about her brother and Johnny's conversation for quite a long time, she was pissed to say the least. The tiny girl literally emmitted heat as she strolled forward, eyes dead set on one of the doors that looked exactly like the few around it. 

It didn't take her long to throw it open, making Taeyong flinch slightly and look up.

"Oh, good morning, Haeun. How did you sleep?" His shocked expression melted into a smile as he looked towards the girl adoringly. She took a deep breath before muttering a 'good morning' then walking towards him in a slow step.

"Are you alright?" His voice switched to concern, seeing her unusual quiet and weird self. He immediately knew something was off with her, ever since she skipped breakfast that morning, although he knew she was wide awake. Haeun was always the first at the table and also the last to leave. But that did not happen today.

The girl closed her eyes in frustration as she reached the edge of her brother's desk. She inhlaed deeply before opening them, shooting literal daggers into the boy's face.

"Do you think I'm that incompetent?" She asked, trying to not let her fury seep into her words, but kept glaring at him as his face fell into confusion.

"What do you mean?" He held her gaze, truly confused.

"If you were just going to not tell me anything then why don't you become the leader, huh?" Haeun spat out and watched as her brother's expression slowly fell into realization. "Sounds great, right? The completely clueless girl playing as boss is going to be replaced by her way more competent brother because she can't even go on a mission." The sarcasm was evident in her voice as she forced a laugh, still staring at Taeyong deeply in the eyes.

"Haeun, it's not like that-"

"Why did you bring me here? Why did you make me the leader if you aren't even going to tell me such important stuff about the gang?" The girl questioned in a raised voice, but she tried not to scream so she gritted her teeth. At that moment she heard the door open, but did not care. Taeyong on the other hand glanced towards it before turning his gaze back to his pissed younger sister. 

"Okay, listen Haeun, I did it because-" He tried calming her using his soothing voice, but the girl interrupted him yet again.

"Because I can't handle it? Keep that bullshit to yourself, Taeyong. I did not spend my entire fucking life training and studying to become a leader, to in the end become a puppet to the second in command. From what I read, a book about gangs that YOU GAVE ME, the leader makes all the decisions, after consulting them with the rest of the gang. I'm not a mere fighter, Taeyong. I'm the fucking leader." Her authorative voice dumbfounded even him, surprised that Haeun was even able to speak like that. He swallowed hard before attempting to speak.

"I'm sorry Haeun-" 

"I'll be busy the entire day, don't bother me." She hissed out, her fists so hardly clenched that her knuckles turned a ghostly shade of white. Taeyong reached out with his hand, but the girl quickly turned around and began walking towards the wide open door. Mark, completely shocked by what he had just witnessed, managed to jump out of her way as she didn't even acknowledge him. His bewildered gaze turned to the elder boy, who had an unreadable expression displayed on his face.

Haeun barged into the office just 2 doors down, making the 2 men at their desks very aware of her presence. She walked up to one of them, completely ignoring the other, anger displayed along her every feauture.

"Doyoung get me all of the files you have on the White Slicers, RIGHT NOW!" She yelled out, glaring intensely at the man in front of her. 

Completely taken aback by the sudden outsburst of the to-be-17 year old girl, he remained dumbfounded for a few seconds before her stare finally made him scramble to his feet and hurriedly walk towards the huge book shelf placed behind his desk.  Johnny also got up, but wasn't even spared a glanced by her. Haeun barely blinked while watching Doyoung take out various folders and books and then silently putting them down onto his desk as she had commanded. The girl then grabbed them and stomped away and down the hallway, not even bothered to close the door behind her.

"What was that?" Doyoung finally managed to blurt out, hearing her footsteps fade and another deafening door slam sent a shiver down his spine. Soon enough, Taeyong barged into the office and Johnny pierced him with an unnerved look.

"Did you tell her?"

"No. She must've heard our conversation last night." 

"Shit." Johnny fell back onto his chair, the events already giving him a huge headache. Not only was he taken aback that she knew about it, but the was her eyes looked whilst she gave orders was frankly... unusual and unfogettable. He never thought he would see someone so young look so authorative, able to bring basically any man to follow her wishes. And he knew that Taeyong had seen it too.

 And he knew that Taeyong had seen it too

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Damn she really snapped

Sry for the lack of Jisung content

For now ;)))))

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