Part 58

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Haeun towered over the man, as cold as ever

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Haeun towered over the man, as cold as ever. He was strapped to a chair, blood running down his half-naked body and the deep breaths he was taking were the only indication of life. His jaw was clenched in an attempt to not take a sound as he glared at another NCT gang member walking away and rolling his wrist.

"You just need to speak. It's ridiculous that these are the measures that I need to take for that to happen. Don't you value your life at all?" Haeun smacked her lips in irritation as she tapped her foot on the concrete floor.

Chuwol let out a raspy and dry chuckle. "I think that you enjoy this more, Haeun. I can't imagine how much you resent me right now."

The girl took a deep breath. "Oh trust me, I am. You should be happy that I'm not delivering these punches. It isn't too beneficial of me to put you into a coma, so lucky you" She hissed through gritted teeth. Chuwol bit his tongue, looking around at the few other NCT members around the room.

"Answer all of my questions right now." Haeun demanded, beginning to get extremely irritated with him.

As she waited, Chuwol snickered. Then the smile turned into a chuckle and then, into a psychotic fit of laughter. Haeun felt her breath hitch, seeing him bend over from it. But she remaned collected and crossed her arms on top of her chest whilst waiting for him to finish.

Chuwol then looked up at her with the most devilish smile she's ever seen anyone have. "You'll never hear anything from me, miss Lee. You should just kill me, because you're just wasting your time." 

Haeun bit back an insult. "We'll see about that." She said through gritted teeth before looking over at Yuta. "Go on."

The japanese boy nodded before beggining his walk over to them. Haeun turned on her heel and strolled towards the door, screams of pain beginning to emerge behind her yet she didn't seem bothered. 

As she walked out of the building, her gloomy expression told Taeyong everything and he sighed.

"Still nothing?"

Haeun shook her head. "He's more persistent or loyal than I thought."

"Do you think we should just ask Sunny ourselves?" The elder boy asked, but she just shook her head.

"Let's wait and see what torture does to him." 

Haeun looked down at her shaking hands. The tears wouldn't stop falling from her eyes and into her lap, yet she still felt blind and dismayed. She tried to choke down a sob, yet it still managed to get through the ball in her throat and escape her lips.

Everything seemed to be crashing down at once, making it feel like a huge rock had dropped on her body. The more she breathed, the less she believed that the next one would come and help her live. Her jaw was so tense that her teeth gritted against each other.

The girl wanted to scream. Because she felt like a prisoner, the metal bars being her own body.

Yet the voice that was usually here to comfort or help was nowhere to be heard.

Haeun bit back yet another cry, but her breath hitched as she heard the loud sound of her door opening. She did not dare to look up from where she sat with her back against the couch.

It didn't take long for the deafening shutting of the door to sound and whoever had just come in ran over to her small, trembling body.

"Haeun? Haeun, are you okay? Why are you crying, what's wrong?!" The boy was panicked as he gripped onto both her arms. He had crouched down right in front of her, his heart beating wildly.

She looked up, more tears spilling from her eyes.

"J-Jisung..." She whispered out as she stared into his desperately worried eyes. Haeun couldn't hold it in anymore and cries mixed with sobs began escaping her lips.

"I feel like I'm suffocating." She said amidst her breakdown, looking more pale and miserable than ever. "I am a monster."

"What are you talking about? You're no monster." Jisung's voice soothed slightly as his hands began rubbing her arms.

"N-no, you d-don't get it..." Haeun said shakily. "Every time I think of him... I want to rip his throat out... I don't care about his pain at all. And I actually k-killed someone, Jisung. I threw him out of the window, I-"

Her crying rant was interrupted as the boy's palm went behind her head and he carefully pushed it against his chest. His other arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer. Haeun's hands formed into fists as she gripped onto the fabric of Jisung's shirt, finally able to break down in front of someone.

The boy began calmly caressing her head and although he was still in a deep mode of panic, he decided to push it all down. He needed to help her out first.

A few minutes later, Haeun's cries became sobs and then just sniffles. Jisung was rocking her from side to side, making her feel more at ease.

"You're not a monster, Haeun. You'll never be." He assured her in a calm voice. "Don't ever say that again."

The girl took a deep breath, and for once, she decided to believe him over her own conscience.

The girl took a deep breath, and for once, she decided to believe him over her own conscience

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I cried while making this too, wth

Also, my ridin' album is still in Poland but I want it so bad :(( and as a comparison, I ordered it the day the mv dropped so I've been waiting for a while :(((((

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