Part 45

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"Where is everyone else?" Jaemin asked, putting down his controller after losing yet again

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"Where is everyone else?" Jaemin asked, putting down his controller after losing yet again. He seemed annoyed since all of the guys who were worse at the game than him were not present.

"Renjun is taking care of some Visa business and Jeno is hanging out with Haeun and Yuri downstairs." Chenle shrugged while clicking out of the game.

Jisung frowned bitterly which was immediately noticed by the 2 elder boys.

"Don't worry, I'm pretty sure Jeno's into Yuri, not Haeun." Jaemin smirked and the youngest immediately tensed.

"When did I ask?" He said a bit too loudly making the boys chuckle.

The only one not taking part in the conversation was Donghyuck, who was laying on the bed. He was suffering from a bad hangover and as the day went on, he became more and more apologetic.

He had been a complete asshole to Naeun the night before. But somehow she still brought him home although he passed out on the street.

And he was also delusional. Delusional about the fact that he would even have a chance with Haeun. Not only that, he was a shit friend to Jisung. He began liking the girl after he knew about the youngest's crush on her.

Donghyuck was just a shitass in general.

"Yo, Hyuck." Jaemin suddenly snapped his fingers in front of the boy's face, making him flinch. "You good?"

"Just tired." Donghyuck muttered, his words barely audible to his friends. He then turned to his side, away from them.

The rest of the boys just glanced at each other and shrugged it off, thinking those were the effects of his hangover.

"Should we go down to Jeno hyung? Playing games with you is really boring." Chenle whined, making Jaemin raise his fists.

"I'm in." Jisung was the first to jump up and go towards the bedroom door. He then stopped halfway and turned back, seeing their eyes on him. "Are you coming?"

The other 2 looked towards each other and chuckled before also getting up and following suit.

"Donghyuck, unless you want to starve to death so badly, I suggest you come down and at least eat bread or something." Jaemin, being the mom that he is, looked over to the boy on the bed and he hummed in response.

Then the 3 swiftly left the room.

Donghyuck rolled back to his back with an audible sigh. His headache had gotten better since the morning but it wasn't gone despite the painkiller he had taken. But his mind was too plagued with regret that he barely noticed it.

Finally deciding to eat since he was starving, Donghyuck lousily got up and staggered towards the door. He then walked out into the silent hallway, his eyes only half-open as he walked towards the staircase.

After almost tripping and dying, he safely made it onto the ground floor and immediately heard the melodic laughter coming from the kitchen. Knowing that he would have to encounter Haeun at some point anyways, he began making his way in that direction.

At that moment, the front door opened and Donghyuck turned to see the streak of light flooding the front hall. But his eyes were set on the figure that gracefully walked in.

After shutting the door, Naeun began walking forward, but as she looked up she stopped dead in her tracks.

Her mind immediately went back to the night before her jaw clenched. The boy's expression was unreadable, making her extremely anxious.

People are most truthful when drunk. And that's exactly why it hurt so bad.

But Naeun decided to just force her day-to-day smirk on her face as she approached him. "Do you know that drinking is bad for people with brain damage, Dong?" She patted his shoulder with a sarcastic grin.

The 2 stared into each others eyes and the girl felt slightly uncomfortable under his unwavering, serious expression.

"I'm sorry." He then whispered, taking Naeun by surprise. Her arm dropped back to her side.

"For what?"

"I was an ass yesterday." Donghyuck averted his eyes away from her, his tone laced with pure regret.

Naeun was silent for a few seconds before exhaling. "You were."

Donghyuck looked back at her.

"But it's fine. You were drunk, people say things they don't mean when they're under the influence of alcohol." She tried to convince herself with the fake fact.

The boy stared silent while staring down at her. Just as he opened his mouth to say something, Naeun smiled.

"I'm gonna go see my sister now." She stated shortly before walking right by him and towards the kitchen.

So I didnt want to make 2 NaeHyuck chapters in a row, but I needed them to clear things up so the story can progress

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So I didnt want to make 2 NaeHyuck chapters in a row, but I needed them to clear things up so the story can progress.

Istg theres going to be more HaeSung in the next few chapters!!!

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