Part 11

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After a quite fascinating amount of sleep, Haeun felt quite energised

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After a quite fascinating amount of sleep, Haeun felt quite energised. Following her usual morning routine, she first took a shower, did her skin care and then threw on a white T-shirt over some Adidas black leggings paired with her gray slippers.

She then grabbed an apple from her fruit ball, biting into it as she casually left out the door of her suite.

As she walked down the hallway and towards the staircase, she fell into thought about the events from last night. She has been stopping herself from remembering the memories and tried to push them to the back of her mind, but they kept re-emerging whenever the girl lost focus.

Unknowingly, she went down the staircase and into the offices hallway and only snapped out of her daze as she saw someone exiting their office. Her pouty lips fell into a smile as she made eye contact with the male.

"Good morning, Winwin!" She greeted the elder male who smiled back.

"Finally slept well?" He asked and she nodded enthusiastically.

"I forgot how great a good sleep feels." She confessed, stretching out her slightly stiff muscles. The other sent her an acknowledging look before speaking.

"I need to go get someone to deliver some documents, do I'm guessing I'll see you later." He sent Haeun a short wink and she giggled as he began walking towards the living room area.

The girl walked into her own office, dropping onto her rolling chair with a huff and logged into her computer. As she cracked her knuckles, getting ready to send Johhny an email about the meeting she wanted to hold about her planned mission when there was a bold knock at her door.

"Come in!" She called out and the person on the other side followed her wishes and came into the room. The girls expression flickered slightly, seeing the tall boy enter the room, closing the door behind him.

With an unreadable look on his face, Johnny made his way to the edge of her desk, putting down a slim folder. Haeun gave him a confused look as they held eye contact.

"This is everyone's training evaluations before this. How everyone ranked in the hand-to-hand combat category. Thought you would need it for today." His usual warm smile was gone as he was speaking to her strictly professionally. She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Today? What's today?"

"The monthly evaluation. It's going to happen at 6." He informed and she parted her lips into an 'o' shape, having forgotten completely about that.

"Oh, right, that's today..." she trailed off, glancing over to her computer screen which displayed the plans for the mission she had been planning. Thinking about it slightly, she sighed then looked back up at Johnny who still stood there. "Thanks. And also, schedule a meeting in 2 days. I have a plan."

This took Johnny slightly aback, but he cleared his throat nevertheless and voiced his concerns. "Plan? Don't you need to at least discuss it with Taeyong and Mark-"

"I'm confident." Haeun coldly interrupted and the older boy shut his mouth, pursing his lips together into a thin line.

"Alright. I will."

The girl then turned back to her own work, giving Johhny the cue that he was allowed to go, which he did quickly.

For the first time ever since she moved into the house, Haeun went down to visit the training grounds. Basically the entire basement consisted of various rooms in which you could develop any combat skill you wished. As she had guessed, quite a few of the guys were training the hand-to-hand gym, hardening their muscles or working with punching bags and other things like that.

Everyone acknowledged her appearance with a slight bow before they turned their attention back on their training.

The girl looked down onto her apple watch and checked the time. It was currently 11am, they had 7 hours to go until the evaluation.

Haeun then intertwined her hands behind her back and then began walking in between the many boys who barely paid her any mind. Her gaze curiously flickered between them all, landing on Jeno who was currently working on his punches with the sand bag. The girl watched silently from behind her, admiring the absolute power he delivered those punches in, but quickly realized his issue.

"Your base is weak. You need to plant your feet into the ground in order to be able to deliver the punches to their full strength." She spoke, making the boy stop his actions and turn to her, sweat tickling down his entire body. "Although it may restrict your mobility slightly, it also helps your balance and it is less likely your opponent will be able to tackle you."

Jeno nodded along in thought then turned around towards the sand bag and delivered a punch, applying Haeun's piece of advice. He was surprised to see it move back further than before although he delivered with the exact same amount of strength. He then turned towards the girl with an admirable expression.

"Wow thanks." He exhaled and she smiled sweetly.

"Oh, and also, relax your muscles. Glaring and flexing your muscles won't defeat your opponent." She joked, making Jeno roll roll his head in an attempt to relax and he chuckled.

"We're all fighting you in the ring later today. You shouldn't really be giving out advice. Maybe after the match." He pointed out, crossing his arms, but Haeun just shrugged.

"At least now you can have a decent try." She smirked, making Jeno roll his eyes.

"You don't know. Maybe I'll beat you." He suggested, making the girl giggle with an unreadable expression.

"Not to sound cocky, but that isn't really possible. Good luck though." She patted the boy on the shoulder before walking away, already heading towards Hendery who seemed to be having troubles with his reaction speed.

" She patted the boy on the shoulder before walking away, already heading towards Hendery who seemed to be having troubles with his reaction speed

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Oo how will the evaluation go??

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