Part 2

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"If you're here to snoop for some details on the evaluation, please leave

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"If you're here to snoop for some details on the evaluation, please leave." Johnny sighed for the umpteenth time as he heard the door to his office open hesitantly. He was having a terrible headache, but had no time to spare to even look up and see who entered the room.

"Oh, uh, I'm not really here for that..." The newcomer mumbled quietly, intimidated by the immediate rejection he received upon walking in. Johnny's eyes finally flickered up to find Mark awkwardly standing in the open door to his office. He gave the younger boy an annoyed look.

"Are you here to rant about how old Haeun is, because if you are, I don't wanna hear it." He didn't even skip a beat as he looked back down at the various documents sprawled over his desk. Although he did not recieve such difficult paperwork as Doyoung did, it still exhausted him. Especially due to the fact that Yuta has been finding it hard to purchase weapons and ammunition lately, and that was an issue that needed to be solved immediately.

"I'm not really here for that either." Mark already felt out of place, knowing that he was greatly disrupting the older boy. Johnny looked up and exhaled deeply before motioning towards the guest chair that resided in front of his desk. 

"Make sure to close the door behind you."

Mark did exactly that, then hurried over and sat down, back straight and palms on top of his strictly touching thighs. The elder boy actually found it kind of humorous, but didn't let that show as he turned back to whatever he was doing. "What do you need?"

"Uhm, so it's about the housing." Mark mumbled out, looking down at the points of his black sneakers. Johnny gave him a funny look, slight annoyance washing over him.

"I don't like people who beat around the bush." 

"A-ah, I'm sorry sir. I'll get right to it." The name 'sir' made Johnny cringe, but he stayed quiet, giving his full attention to what the younger boy had to say.

"You said that we will move into the NCT house soon, but when will that be? I'm not sure if I should pay the rent for the next month at my apartment." Mark blurted out in one breath, not wanting to waste the elders time. On the other hand, Johnny could not bear the awkwardness any more and smiled slightly looking up at the boy, who made brief eye contact with him.

"Stop being so awkwad. It's not like you're at a job interview or something." The elder chuckled lightly. Mark felt his muscled relax slightly and he adjusted himself in the wooden chair in order to get more comfortable. 


"Anyways, the house will be ready by the beginning of next week. If your landlord asks for the rent earlier, tell her you're moving out and that letting you stay for an extra few days won't kill her." Johnny informed the boy who nodded his head energetically. The elder then turned his attention back to the papers and he was about to flicker through them again when he felt someone watching him intensely. He looked up to find Mark giving him an expecting look, but immediately looking away as they made eye contact.

"You can leave now." 


Mark got to his feet at the speed of light and began scurrying towards the door. He extended his arm towards the doorhandle, but froze as the voice behind him spoke yet again.

"Were you surprised?" 

Mark turned his head to find Johnny giving him a look full of curiousity. He swallowed hard before answering.

"About what?"

"Lee Haeun..." Johnny crossed his arms as he finally leaned back into his chair, something which he hasn't done in a few hours. "you were friends with her when she studied at your school half a year ago."

"A-ah that..." Mark stuttered slightly, glancing around the room flustered before turning back to the elder boy, finding him staring interested. "You could say so."

"Damn, I expected a bigger reaction than that." Johnny clicked his tongue, slightly disappointed and then turned back to the documents. "Go home now, it's late."

"Goodnight." Mark shortly exhaled then slid out of the room, shutting the door as quietly as he could behind him. He then pursed his lips thinking back to what Johnny had asked him.

Of course he was extremely shock to find the young girl on that podium. He never would've even dared to imagine that the sweet and cheerful Haeun was the daughter of the SM group. 

But he couldn't even imagine what Jisung felt at that moment. He didn't even get to ask the youngest before he quickly rushed off to god knows where. Mark just hoped that he had gone back to the apartment that they now shared after he was kicked out by his father. 

The boy just shook his head before beginning to walk down the massive, dark hallway.

The boy just shook his head before beginning to walk down the massive, dark hallway

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Dw, it may be awkward now, but I'll make the 2 best friends later :))

Oop did I just spoil it-

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