Part 69

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Few of the gang members were standing around in the main hall, watching the front door with nasty looks

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Few of the gang members were standing around in the main hall, watching the front door with nasty looks. But those weren't directed at the cheerful Yuri who flew in like it's her own home, but rather at the individual carrying a huge bag behind her.

"Ah, somehow whenever I'm in this house I feel so rich." Yuri exclaimed in a dream-like voice. Her sparkling eyes then immediately met Jeno's as he smiled at her warmly. He then walked over and took her backpack from her shoulder.

"I guess you'll be staying in Jeno's room then?" Haeun raised an eyebrow, hiding her smirk.

Her best friend snapped her head in her direction, a slight blush creeping up to her cheeks. "W-what?"

"Yes, she is, so what?" Jeno asked boldly, grabbing Yuri's wrist and pulling her closer.

That caused an explosive response as the entire room erupted into 'ooooohhhhhs'.

"My man finally grew balls."
"Was I the only one not expecting this?"
"Damn took them long enough."
"How come all the babies are getting into relationships and I can't even get a proper match on tinder?"

But as the newly announced couple left, all eyes turned towards the other newcomer who stood by the door awkwardly.

"So say, this is one of the friends that abandoned Haeun?" Johnny asked, raising an eyebrow whilst eyeing the boy.

"What were we expecting, he seems like such a weakling." Kun joined in, for once not smiling.

"Can we just beat him up and get it over with already?" Yuta stepped out impatiently, cracking his fingers one by one and clenching them into fists.

Daehwi's eyes were wide with complete terror as he watched all of the negative energy directed at him. It wouldn't be half-bad, but these people were gang members who, according to him, hurt and killed people for a living. That's what made this so intimidating.

Haeun tried her best at an awkward smile, signalling for the protective boys to calm down.

Sure, it hadn't been long. But despite that and the fact that Haeun was their leader, they all, even Yuta, grew attached to her and now that Taeyong was out, they overtook the role of protective brothers.

And the girl definitely did not want another person ending up in the medical room that's why she just pushed Daehwi along towards the guest room in order for him to settle in.

"What do you think will be the best way to torture him?"
"Actually, just scaring him seems fun. He looks like a scaredy cat."
"Let's sneak into his room tonight."
"I dibs that one long knife!"
Hendery, Lucas, Xiaojun and Yangyang discussed in Chinese as the 2 passed the group by.

Jisung did not seem so content either as he met up with them in the hallway.

"Oh. You're here." He growled towards Daehwi.

Haeun knew that it must be terrifying but she did not want to do anything. He had betrayed her afterall. She wasn't ready to forgive him yet.

"He just needs to get accommodated, so I'll help him." She updated her boyfriend dryly.

"Don't worry about that babe, I'll help him." Jisung didn't even look in the girl's direction as he specifically accented the word 'babe'.

Haeun just hummed and did not even see Daehwi's desperate face as he watched her walk away.

"I think we can have a... nice talk." Her boyfriend brought the boy's attention back as he was already cracking his neck.

"You're all shit people, you know that, right?"

Daehwi sighed. He was forced to tell Jisung everything as they unpacked the minimal contents of his bag. He had to stay here for maybe a few nights, so it would be in his best interest to explain himself to the many intimidating people in the house.

"I know." He muttered. "But what could we do? We've been friends with Minnie for much longer."

"But that means you never trusted Haeun in the first place. You didn't even ask her if what Minnie said was true and if that bitch was really a good person, she would've wanted to work it out. There must be something else going on." Jisung pointed out, his voice still deep and angry.

Daehwi was silent, knowing that the other boy was right.

"Go convince them."  Jisung demanded.

"What?" The other boy snapped his head in his direction.

"You don't even realise what's going on behind the scenes. Your friends being complete assholes are not helping with Haeun's stress at all." He continued ranting.

"But I-" Daehwi began but cut himself off. "I tried to tell them, okay? But they just wouldn't listen."

"Make them listen."
"It's not that easy."
"That means you haven't been trying hard enough."

Daehwi sighed dramatically. "It all comes down to Minnie in the end. She would need to confess to lying. Because in the end, there was no rumours."

"Then make her do that."

"Oh my god." Daehwi couldn't help but roll his eyes, beginning to feel frustrated as he felt equally powerless.

Jisung raised a surprised eyebrow. "Are you giving me an attitude right now?"

The other boy very quickly realized who he was indeed dealing with and his Adam's apple bobbed in sudden worry.

"Uh, I-"


The boys heads turned towards the door as it flung open. In it stood Renjun, and his also angered and annoyed eyes scanned over Daehwi before going to Jisung.

"What are you doing here with him?" He asked.

"Just talking about... stuff." Jisung shrugged, putting down some shirt he was holding.

"Come over. We're playing PubG." Renjun informed, beginning to walk away although he left the door open.

Jisung began making his way, passing Daehwi along the way. He took the chance to scare him a little bit.

Daehwi flinched as Jisung leaned into his ear.

"I'm the best shooter on the team and Haeun is the best fighter, you know that right?" He asked in a breathy whisper and Daehwi took in a panicked breath.

Jisung smirked as he leaned out and then hardly patted the other on the shoulder. "I advice you to be careful." He warned before leaving the room.

" He warned before leaving the room

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Scary sung 😳

But like idk what I'm feeling abt this chapter its just... there.
And now I regret making Haeun's friend group be full of idols bc I love them all and I'm like aisiuisheensihd :(

Let's pretend they're different people 🙃

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