Part 70

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It was close to midnight as the dim lights of Jisung's room turned on, revealing the tiny figure that just walked in.

"Weren't you with Yuri?" The boy asked from his bed whilst rubbing his eyes due to the sudden light. He had been on his phone in the dark, but the lights turning on so suddenly still irritated him.

"She went back to Jeno's room." Haeun pouted her lips annoyed. "I didn't think she's actually chose a man over her best friend."

Jisung let out a breathy chuckle, watching her cross her arms on top of her chest. She was wearing one of his stolen hoodies, her short shorts barely visible under it.

"So?" He questioned, his vision leading him back to her face.

"I want cuddle." Haeun stated firmly.

Jisung was slightly taken aback, feeling his heart skip numerous beats. Sure, they have hugged and 'cuddled' before but it had always been subconscious. And now her just asking for it like that...

"What? Is that a no?" The girl asked, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

Her boyfriend then decided to man up as he pushed back his insecurities before finally looking her in the eye. "Close the door and only turn on the lamp on my desk, will you?"

Haeun beamed from ear to ear, immediately rushing to do all of his requests. Soon enough, she jumped into his double bed beside him, immediately attaching herself to his body.

Her head laid on his extended arm, a single hand around his waist and their legs entangled. Jisung used his other arm to pull her closer, feeling her addictive warmth right beside him.

Somehow this already felt so natural to them as they melted into each other's touch in silence.

Haeun looked up at his chin. "Jisung?"

"Hm?" The boy hummed, his hand beginning go stroke the back of her head.

"When did you start liking me?" She asked the question which had been always clogging her mind.

Jisung thought about it for a minute and only one clear answer came to mind.


"What?" Haeun asked dismayed.

"I think it was love at first sight." The boy thought aloud, remembering his first moments with her. "Our first encounter on the bus stop... I really thought you were an angel from heaven."

Haeun couldn't help but scoff. "You seriously thought that?" She asked, the laugh threatening to escape her lips.

"Hey, dont judge me!" Jisung defended.

"Okay, okay, lover boy. So you knew since then?" She continued her questioning.

"Hmmm, not really. It took me some time to realize, but I definitely began liking you really early on."

There was a comfortable silence as Haeun hummed in acknowledgment, her hand caressing the surface of his hoodie.

"How about you?" Jisung asked back.

"Me? Hmm..." the girl frowned whilst in thought. "Also really early. The first time I had strong feelings for you was when I received those *cough cough * sex tapes *cough cough*. "

Jisung couldnt help but snicker. "You were jealous?"

"It wasn't that. It felt more like... betrayal? I was angry and sad that you didn't tell me although it ended up being a big scheme."

"I remember that so clearly." Jisung renaissanced. "Then Donghyuck and I had a huge fight. And you ended up in hospital."

Haeun hummed along, also falling into the sea of memories.

"And I met Mr.Bamboo. Where is he anyways?" The boy asked, looking down at his girlfriend.

She stayed silent, a fade smile falling on her lips.

"Just... somewhere better." She said, quietly and calmly.

Her mind took her back to where Mr.Bamboo sat behind the glass, leaning against the pot made of fine china, filled with gray ashes.

It was only right for the stuffed animal to be given back to it's original owner.

Jisung didn't question it, instead just hugged his girlfriend tighter.

"Do you know how much you terrified me that day you saved my life?" Haeun suddenly whispered, taking him slightly by surprise.

"Were you that scared?" He asked in a low tone.

"Yes." She hummed. "I didn't know what to do. I couldn't stop crying, imagining the thought of you being gone suffocated me."

Jisung continued staring down at her as she his her face in his chest.

"I just... want to keep you by my side." She whispered, her hands gripping tightly onto the fabric of his hoodie.

The boy was silent, just staring at her with such love in his eyes. It was unbelievable, they were only 17 and already so deeply in love that it could be compared of the feelings of a grown adult.

And they just continued snuggling, enjoying each other's breaths as they both became drowsy.

"I love you so fucking much, you don't even know." Jisung blurted out, saying whatever was on his mind out loud.

Haeun looked up to find him staring down at her, their eye contact feeling eternal.

"I love you too." The girl breathed out.

That's when Jisung began leaning in, his eyes slowly closing. Haeun's also sealed shut, awaiting his soft lips on hers.

But that never happened and the boy opened his eyes, an amused smirk on his face as he watched her waiting. And he did indeed lean down and planted a small peck on the tip of her nose.

Haeun's eyes shot open.

"Hey! I wanted a proper kiss!" She whined loudly.

Jisung couldn't help but begin laughing, seeing her pouty and desperate self.

"This isnt funny!" Haeun defended before kicking him in the leg.

"Ow! Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" The boy exclaimed, the pain from his leg shooting up to his entire body.

Haeun was still mad and she placed both hands on his chest in an attempt to push him away. But Jisung had different plans and he used the hand he had around her waist to pull her in closer.

"Let me go." The girl grumbled angrily although she was very much enjoying his touch.

"No, stay." Jisung demanded lowly, his voice more sleepy and raspy.

And just like that, the couple soon drifted off to sleep together.

I may or may not have a Mark book that is actually interesting in my drafts

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I may or may not have a Mark book that is actually interesting in my drafts

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