Part 22

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The girl kept zoning off, looking into space while thinking

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The girl kept zoning off, looking into space while thinking. She was overwhelmed by the recent events, even by Jisung in general.

Why did she suddenly feel this way again?

During her time in Busan, she thought her crush had died down. She barely had the time to think about him and he rarely popped up in her head. The thrill she used to feel at the mention of his name had disappeared too. But now...

Well that's a completely different story.

Even if she tried to act cool, her heart race was always beyond humanly possible as she felt herself melt at his appearance. A slight movement of his could send her mind racing, face reddening and body freezing.

Haeun tried to deny it, but she knew the crush had just actually gone worse.

And it annoyed the hell out of her. It was terrible timing. And whatever it was, he was just a friend.

Yeah. A friend that was also her employee.

"Boss?" The boy waved his hand in right in front of her eyes and Haeun flinched having been brought back into reality.

"Huh?" She managed to blurt out in confusion seeing as the entire WayV unit was staring at her. Henry shook his head slightly, knowing that he would have to explain everyone's role yet again.

"Did you hear what I talked about?" He crossed his arms making the girl get flooded with shame as she looked down, obviously not knowing what was going on.

Henry sighed, and although he was an extremely patient individual, a slight annoyance lingered in his voice. "Let me explain again."

Haeun walked into the office, mind still lingering on Jisung. But she quickly shook the thought off and began looking around.

Up until now, she had never entered Winwin and Jungwoo's conjoined office. She was surprised to see the extremely dark aura inside.

The curtains were for a vast majority drawn, leaving small strands of light that miraculously landed right on the 2 desks. The walls were a dark shade of grey while the furniture was all made of black-colored wood. Even though both desks were overflowing with documents, books and each of the boys laptops, the room seemed rather neat. It was also quite cold compared to the rest of the house, making the girl slightly shiver.

But the thing that caught her attention most was the giant, round vault door that resided right by Jungwoo's desk. It was also dark grey, fitting in perfectly with the wall and was as smooth as a newborn baby's butt. She then noticed the 3 step security system that was displayed on the iPad hanging on the wall beside it.

"Can I help you?" Jungwoo's voice snapped her out of her small glance of the room.

From what she's read, heard and seen, she knew he was a reserved person. He didn't seem to speak much, even when he was surrounded by his peers. He also never seemed to enjoy the company of other people and preferred to keep to himself.

Haeun glanced to the other, currently empty desk before turning back to Jungwoo.

"Yeah, I just need to check up if everything's alright, you know? Anyone spending too much money?" The girl questioned suggestively, but the boy only looked up at her with a bored look before crossing his arms on the table.

"Everything is perfectly fine with the finances, boss." His monotone voice unmatched his soft looking features, which also didn't stop him from looking as stiff as a rock.

"Isn't it weird?" Haeun asked in an attempt to make conversation. "You need to call the youngest 'boss'."

"Is there anything else you would like to be called?" Jungwoo suggested, his voice not changing one bit as the girl got taken lightly by surprise.

"Oh, uh..." she staggered, feeling his eyes drilling into her small figure, making her rather uncomfortable. She was the leader, she must be in charge.

Haeun took a deep breath and puffed her chest, looking down at him with a sharper look. "No, that's alright." She mustered an authorative tone then turned towards the other desk in wonder. "Where's Sicheng?" 

"Went to the infermary."

"What happened?" The girl snapped towards Jungwoo yet again as he continued staring at the screen of his laptop.


Haeun sighed in slight relief before turning on her heel and heading towards the girl, knowing she should probably stop disturbing his look.

"Have a nice day, boss." His voice did not even waver and she only said a quick 'bye' before slipping out of the room.

" His voice did not even waver and she only said a quick 'bye' before slipping out of the room

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Sorry for the boring chapter, I wanted to introduce some of the members of the gang

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