Part 27

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"Everyone, quiet down!" The female teacher that went by Ms

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"Everyone, quiet down!" The female teacher that went by Ms.Song yelled out, tapping her pointing stick against the wooden desk but to no avail as the classroom continued being a chaos. The kids were all excited about who ended up with who in a class whilst Jisung just rolled his eyes, laying his head on the desk. Chenle sat in the seat next to him, both in the back row and seemed equally as bored.

Ms.Song sighed dramatically, attempting to yell over the children yet again until finally things calmed down enough for her to be able to use her normal voice. "Alright, this year we will be having new students." 

That sentence alone set off another wave of confusion and excitement and Jisung felt like ripping his eardrums off. Yes, it was rather unusual to get new students, but it wasn't as much of a big deal as everyone made it out to be.

Finally, Ms.Song managed to settle-down the excited class and all eyes were now fixed on the front door.

"Alright, you can come in now!" The teacher called out whilst also looking in the same direction. The door accordingly opened and in walked.

"Lee Haeun?" Someone asked confused seeing the already familiar face. The class was bewildered, seeing the smiling girl had finally come back as she had promised. Her eyes skimmed over the rest of the students, landing on Lisa and Dahwi for longer since they were in the same class. The 2 were speechless, staring at Haeun as if she was some kind of miracle.

At that moment, an even bigger storm of confusion was set off as an identical girl walked in, the only difference was her shoulder-length hair. Ms.Song cleared her throat loudly before turning back to the girls with a smile.

"Introduce yourselves." She suggested and the 2 twins nodded before bowing in perfect unison.

"Hello, you may know me from last year, I'm Lee Haeun." The girl charmingly introduced herself, gaining a few excited glances from the students who knew her and the ones who had a crush secret on her in previous years.

"And I'm Lee Naeun." The other, unknown girl introduced herself shortly, barely sparing a smile compared to her twin sister.

"Take a seat girls." Ms.Song spoke in her welcoming voice and the 2 girls nodded before walking off. 

Haeun and Jisung made brief eye contact, but she decided to fall onto the chair in front of Lisa's, who still stared at her bewildered. With that, Naeun took the last seat avalible beside Chenle and casually waved at the 2 boys who sent her acknowledging looks.

"Okay then, let's get on with picking class president." The teacher began, regaining the attention of the class yet again.

"HAEUNIEEEEEEEE!" The girl was almost tackled to the ground as Dahyun threw herself on her friend intending a hug.

"Why didn't you tell us you're in Seoul already?!" Minnie exclaimed with a slight whine in her voice making the girl giggle.

"I wanted to surprise you guys. Besides, I arrived just yesterday." The lie rolled off her tongue easily as she looked at her friend's faces adoringly.

At that moment someone cleared their throat and they all turned to see Haeun's clone awkwardly standing behind her.

"Ah, right." Haeun smiled. "This is my twin sister, Naeun. You've probably heard of her before."

"Oh my god." Lisa gasped, earning herself a few confused glances. "Aren't you the girl who put Seulbi in her place last year?" 

Naeun blinked a couple of times before laughing awkwardly. "Yeah, I guess so." 

"Wow, you were so cool!" Dahyun exclaimed, running up to the other girl and extended her hand. "I'm Dahyun. Let's be friends." 

For the next few minutes, the friend group was busy introducing themselves to Naeun who seemed slightly overwhealmed by the excessive attention she was receiving. Haeun stood there watching the entire situation, a small smile tugging at her lips.

Suddenly someone nudged her lightly and she turned to see Renjun standing there, signalling for her to go with him. The girl looked over to her twin sister who was still getting attacked by about 10 questions at once and signalled to her. Naeun then nodded and continued answering questions while the other girl sneaked away with Renjun.


"Get your phone right now. Something must've happened, Taeyong seemed pretty tense over the phone telling me that you didn't pick up his calls."

Haeun's muscles tensed and her cheerful expression turned into a serious one.

"Did he say anything else?"

"No, just go get your phone right now!" 

The girl didn't waste much more time and set off towards her classroom in a hurried step. Inside of it she encountered a couple of her classmates who did not pay her much mind as she strolled to her desk and grabbed her phone from the compartment under it. She then looked at it whilst trying to find a quiet, people-free space seeing that she had 5 missed calls from Taeyong. It must be serious.

Haeun then managed to get into an abandoned classroom at the end of the hallway and immediately dialed the number. Her brother immediately picked up.

"Chuwon... he's right by your school."


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