Part 12

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A majority of the boys shifted uncomfortably where they stood in 2 neat rows

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A majority of the boys shifted uncomfortably where they stood in 2 neat rows.

The huge room now had a ring set up in the centre of it, all of the safety precautions in place.

But that's not what set everyone off. They were just slightly uncomfortable as they avoided Haeun's amused gaze, trying to not get caught get staring at her outfit.

Many of those boys spent a majority of their teenage years training under the company, and due to the lack of female applicants they barely had any contacts with girls, except a few exceptions of course

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Many of those boys spent a majority of their teenage years training under the company, and due to the lack of female applicants they barely had any contacts with girls, except a few exceptions of course. Also, they needed to fight her while she wasn't even wearing any protective gear whilst they were heavily advised to. That greatly confused the many that were still clueless about her ability.

"Right then." She cleared her throat with a smirk, scanning over the many heads. "Come here and pick a number. That will be the order in which you fight me."

The process was quick, Taeyong calling out names and Haeun listened to the guys either sighing, groaning or cursing under their breaths. In the end he himself, Taeil and Jungwoo who were there for the evaluation and to also assist any injured, picked out numbers from the drawing box and everyone was now prepared.

"Alright, just wanted to say good luck to whoever is going first and to the person going last to not relax too much." The tiny girl sent everyone an evil grin, before climbing up into the ring.

"Alright, number 1 please come up." Taeyong exclaimed and Haeun watched the rows carefully, soon enough seeing someone step out. She was surprised to see Donghyuck be the first to go as he sent her a confident stare. "Alright, get in the ring."

The boy did as he was told and hopped in, on the opposite corner, away from Haeun. Taeyong stood by the edge of it and began declaring the rules.

"Alright. You're not here for a fight till death, if you're tired Donghyuck, you can retreat. Also both of you are not allowed to purposefully aim at your opponents head. We dont want cracked skulls." Taeyong mumbled out the last sentence, making the boy and girl who still held eye contact nod at the same time. "Oh, and Haeun."

"Yeah?" She turned to her brother who gave her a strict state.

"Please don't kill him."

The girl smirked, but held up the 'okay' sign and immediately looked back to her opponent, focusing on his features.

The whistle blew announcing the beginning of the match and Donghyuck impatiently threw himself at the girl. But instead of attacking back, she just avoided all of his simple punches and kicks.

His speciality was daggers, but she still was slightly surprised at his lack of basics.

Suddenly as she avoided yet another punch, there was the voice in her head, yet again. But this time it didn't immediately fight for dominance, as if it had just awoken from a deep slumber.

Oooo what's going on
I feel adrenaline

Just an evaluation
Have you been asleep for that long?


I heard about it
So I just cant kill him, right?

Try, try to harm him as little as possible
Who said you could take over-

Too late.

Haeun closed her eyes, the familiar, dark warmth spreading from her heart through to her entire body. Her senses all enhanced and she felt way more control over herself in general. Just from the sounds, she knew where Donghyuck was aiming for next.

That's how, even though still quite frankly blind, she caught his wrist as it was about to hit her stomach. Surprised by the sudden contact, the boy stood there agape for a second and he watched as her eyes opened slowly. Even he managed to figure out they were... different. Like a different kind of passion drove the familiar person in front of him.

That's why he was too slow and the girl quickly twisted his arm, making him yelp in surprise as his palm was weirdly twisted until it reached his back. Haeun's expression did not change as she pushed him slightly, still holding his wrist and Donghyuck fell to his knees quite harshly. She then watched as he struggled for a bit, trying to regain control, but he couldn't. Using her foot, she stepped onto his back, letting go of his hand as he plummeted onto the floor.

The room was quiet, but the boy jumped to his feet and turned around, but was immediately fended off with an unexpected kick to his side, sending him flying. He only landed at the edge of the ring. His loud ow's resonated throughout the quiet room as they all watched Haeun in awe.

Taeyong immediately caught on and stared at the expressionless girl. There was no way the usual Haeun would use this much force. She was obviously still going easy on the guy, but did not even go to check if he was alright, even after 3 seconds passed and he didn't get up.

"Ah, why am I so stiff..." Haeun wondered aloud, beginning to roll her head and arms, completely oblivious to the amount of eyes on her. "For fucks sake, why couldn't you even stretch? Were you really going to take it that easy on them?" She then whispered to herself, but the comment wasn't unheard by her older brother who's face dropped.

Haechan got up with a loud grunt, finally attracting her attention as he turned to her, dumbfounded. Her lips parted slightly in an 'o' shape.

"Oh, shit, sorry, didn't realise how hard I was kicking. Hope I didn't fracture your rib or something." Her casual swearing didn't go unnoticed by the many in the room who knew the girl, immediately beginning to get confused.

You better have freaking apologized.

I did so fuck off
I can also sometimes come out, you know
Plus you were planning to go way too easy on them
Give them a piece of the real world.

But it's just their first evaluation...

I dont care.

Damn the voice making her comeback

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Damn the voice making her comeback

Btw how yall feeling abt this?

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