Part 26

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"So he's the leader of the White Slicers

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"So he's the leader of the White Slicers..." Taeyong tapped his pen on the table while deep in thought. Haeun was also sitting down, quite annoyed remembering the guy's nasty face. "I didn't think they'd been around for that long."

"The kidnapping must've been their first attempt at gaining power, yet they failed. They must be trying a more sneaky approach now." Johnny skimmed through another document on the White Slicers. Hendery, who sat beside him on the huge table also seemed frustrated, his eyes flickering between the tactics that he had to eliminate from the 'appropriate' list. 

"I didn't intend to let them know of our awarness just yet. This messes up a lot." Haeun sighed putting her head down. "Although half of the plan went well and we got a lot of information, there's still some key points missing and we didn't end up getting a location to any of their buildings since the guy is, well, dead." The word sounded bitter on her tongue. The man may have been from the opposite gang, but he was generalle a nice person. She had caught a glimpse of a family picture in his wallet: him, a woman and a small girl. She thought it had been weird, so she had asked him and he confessed that the 2 had a heated argument and he tried to seduce girls in the club. And that he felt terrible and that he was going to get home quickly to shower his wife with all the love he could.

And that's what made Haeun bite her tongue.

Because now he couldn't do that anymore.

"The question is, is it better to eliminate them now or do that later?" Taeyong glanced over go Hendery who was sliding his hand through his hair.

"Let's see if they react. They may end up too scared to do anything since we're aware of them now." The young boy concluded but Haeun shook her head in disagreement.

"No. That man is a fucking psychopath, he won't just sit back after this. He'll kill every single one of his men just to get back at us." She sighed as his sickening face passed through her head again and she shook it off.

"But not in the near future. Besides, you and the other boys will be going back to school in a week." Taeyong pointed out making the young girl frown.

"We can take this time to learn more about the leader, that might help us gain more information about the gang in general." Johnny suggested and Haeun huffed slightly, but accepted her fait.

"Alright. End of meeting, I need to go buy school supplies." She whined slightly before getting up and exiting the room in a hurry. 

The girl quickly strolled through the mansion, easily getting to the second floor. She wasn't alone in the hallway though as another boy leaned against the wall right beside her room. She didn't think much of it and was about to pass right by him when his sudden voice stopped her.

"Lee Haeun." 

She froze. Her head slowly turned to her side to see that he was already staring at her intensely.

"Is it okay for you to call your boss by their name, Mr. Lee Donghyuck?" Haeun cresponded sassily and crossed her arms on her chest. The comment made the boy smile, yet being the straightforward person that he is, he immediately got to the point.

"Are we going to kill the guy today? Maybe tomorrow?" He questioned and the girl sighed, already knowing who he was talking about.

"We won't be doing anything for now." 

"What? Why not?" He frowned, obviously irritated and she shrugged.

"We're waiting to see if he makes a move. Besides, school starts in a week." 

Donghyuck didn't seem to convinced.

"The next thing he does may be worse. Shouldn't we get rid of him now?" 

"Respect the orders of your superiors, Hyuckie." Haeun went back to tease mode, making him scoff but a smile fell onto his lips. "And besides, I'm quite excited actually. Naeun and Yangyang will be joining us for this year." 

"Your sister will go to school with us?" His eyebrows rose and the girl nodded with a wide smile.

"Yup. She said she has some business to take care of with someone." Haeun fell into a small thought before just brushing it off. "Tell everyone else to get ready, we need to go get school supplies." 

Donghyuck did not reply, but she just continued walking on. As she was about to reach for her door handle, he suddenly grasped onto her lower arm, making her stop all movement. Haeun then looked upwards towards his unreadable expression.


"I'm just..." The boy sucked in a deep breath before smiling. "I'm glad we're on good terms again." 

O but Hyuck tho :oo

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O but Hyuck tho :oo

But y'all I've been getting bias wrecked by Renjun, what do I do ;(

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