Part 23

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It was finally the day of the mission

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It was finally the day of the mission.

Everyone was slightly on edge, although an excitement lingered in the air as the entire gang resided in the front hall of the mansion. The guys talked amongst each other about what was to come. It was mainly because they were still waiting for their leader to come down.

Kun and Winwin had dressed approaprietly, both wearing formal suits with black leather shoes and had their hair slicked back in a very professional manner. Xiaojun and Yangyang were already in their waiter costumes and Lucas was dressed like any other rich person in a club. Ten and Hendery of course felt no need to dress fancily, that's why they remained in their comfortable, flexible attires. 

And now it was just Haeun they were waiting for.

Speaking of the girl, a loud clanking noise grabbed someone's attention as someone's footsteps hurriedly approaching from upstairs. Everyone's attention turned towards the staircase as someone's tiny figure stood atop of it, making everyone's head hitch.

"Sorry for the delay, Yuri kept messing up my hair." She excused herself with an annoyed mumble while her best friend popped up behind her, the mind behind what Haeun was wearing.

Even the members who never took any interest in the girl were blown away by the girl as she carefully made her way down the giant staircase

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Even the members who never took any interest in the girl were blown away by the girl as she carefully made her way down the giant staircase. But the most dumbfounded of all was Jisung who's eyes were wide as he looked her up and down.

Haeun had her hair thrown around one shoulder, hugely exposing her bare collarbone and neck. That was also used to cover up the ear piece she was going to put on when the time comes. Her bare legs were almost fully exposed due to her extremely short dress and she seemed a few centimeters taller than normal. She seemed like an adult.

"Was this really necessary?" Taeyon's annoyed voice sent thunders throughout the room as he looked his sister up and down disapprovingly. The girl shrugged.

"Makes me seem old enough."

"But how can you-"

"I'll break the fingers of whoever dares to touch me." She assured him with a wide smile and Taeyong sighed in resignation. Haeun then turned towards the WayV guys who just stood there, stunned. "We should probably go. We can't leave the higher ups waiting, can we?" 

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