Part 77

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Well at least one good thing happened

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Well at least one good thing happened.

Haeun squealed with joy upon opening the door, seeing her older sister there smiling.

"Sunny!" She exclaimed, jumping to engulf the elder girl into a tight hug.

The two soon moved to the empty kitchen, sitting down with some coffee and cookies, falling into a long conversation that dragged on for at least an hour.

"Wow, there was so much to catch up on that I didn't even ask you! How are all of the gang duties? Are they manageable?" Sunny asked as she crunched on yet another cookie.

"Yeah, they're fine. We finally eliminated the leader of the White Slicers and there are too many men for them to rise again anywhere in the new future. I think I'll let everyone take a break for now." Haeun smiled, feeling pretty good with her achievement.

"That's great. All of us back in Busan are so proud of you and Naeun. You're doing amazing."
"Awee, thank you." The young leader blushed ever so slightly.

"Oh and I may have heard a little bird singing that my little sister has got herself a boyfriend?" Sunny raised an eyebrow, a funky smirk plastered on her lips.

Haeun's eyes widened ever so slightly, getting pretty shy due to the question. Her mouth opened, but her lips moved wordlessly.

Her reaction alone made Sunny beam. "So it is true! Who it is? How old is he? Is he nice to you? Wait, is he in NCT? Tell me EVERYTHING."

"Yeah, he is in NCT." Haeun let out a breathy chuckle. "His name is Jisung, he's 17, like me."

"Oooh." Sunny exclaimed. "Is he good looking?" Her voice went down to a whisper.

Haeun looked around carefully before leaning in.

"Yes! Oh my god yes, he is so handsome, like!! I could look at him all day and wouldn't get bored." She couldn't help but fangirl, trying to keep her voice down as much as possible.

Sunny bursted out into laughter, looking adoringly at her little sister.

"You look so in love and it's adorable." She wiped a tear.

"How about you and Minjun oppa? How is your marriage going?" Haeun changed the subject, leaning her head onto her hand.

"Actually, I have something to announce..." Sunny began, hesitating slightly.

Haeun raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

Sunny couldn't help but smile widely, her hands going around her tummy. "I'm actually one month pregnant."

"WhAT?!" Haeun's eyes widened as she looked at her sister in shock. "Are you serious? Congratulations!" 

"Ah, thank you. But you gotta thank Minjun for that." Her elder sister sent her a wink.

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