Pony x Jealous Reader

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Requested by: Oodlesofnoodles (sorry I couldnt @ you, it wouldnt let me ;-;)

Your Pov: I was at the carnival, prepared to open the door that I had finally unlocked, I was ready to encounter Mr P. I swiftly swung the door open. "Mr P, I'm here to-" I paused when I saw a zebra and a pony instead. "Zizzy, are they infected....?" The pony said. "Pony, the infected don't talk" "Well it looks like they brought a friend with them" You looked confused for a second until you turned around and saw Foxy! "That's no friend, that's one of them!" Zizzy said. "Don't worry, I got this" Pony said as he ran up to Foxy and hit him with his wooden sword. You made a sigh of relief.

"So, who are you?" Zizzy asked. "I'm y/n, who are you two?" "I'm Zizzy, and this is my friend Pony" she said as Pony was walking back over. Pony smiled at you and rubbed the back of his neck shyly. You kind of caught yourself staring at him but quickly stopped. "Here, you should come with us, we have a safe place" "Ok" you said as you started to follow them. On the way there, you noticed Pony slightly glance at you once in a while. You honestly thought he was cute.

"So, how far is the safe place?" "Wel-" "It's at the city which will take at least a day to get to on foot" Zizzy said cutting him off. You slightly got mad at the sudden interruption of Pony's voice, but you eased off. You came across a camp with two tents and a fire that was put out. "Well we could rest here for now before we continue on" Pony suggested as he walked towards the campfire and kneeled down. You got surprised when you noticed Pony had a tail. You wondered why you didn't notice it before. You slightly looked over at Zizzy to see if she had a tail too; she did. You looked back over at Pony again, he was inspecting the fire to see any signs of the fire being put out earlier. 'Aww, his tail is so cute.' You thought while adoring him. Pony slowly stood up and turned around. You quickly pretended you were looking around elsewhere.

"Well the campfire is cold so whoever was here before is long gone. "Great, well I'm tired so I'm going to bed, see you guys tomorrow." Zizzy said as she went into the red tent. Pony looked at you and followed Zizzy into the red tent. "Goodnight y/n." You smiled at him and waved goodnight but frowned in jealousy when he went in the tent. You looked at the blue tent and walked over to it slowly stepping in. The sleeping bag was messy, as if whoever had been here was in a hurry.

After a while you were woken up by Pony lightly shaking you. You slowly opened your eyes feeling a spark of happiness. "Hm?" "Oh sorry for waking you up, I was just checking on you....and I saw you shivering so I brought you a blanket!" he said and handed it towards you. You smiled and slightly blushed taking it. You could see a glimpse of light from the campfire behind him. He slowly got up and walked outside of the tent. "Hey I have some s'mores if you wanna make some." he said with this smile that seemed so cute to you. "How convenient" you said and smiled. You wrapped the blanket around yourself and walked out of the tent. "I guess so." he said and walked to the campfire where there was also conveniently logs to sit on.

Pony put down a bag in front of himself and took out stuff for the s'mores. You stood behind the log before sitting down next to him. He put a marshmallow over the fire and slightly glanced at you again. You keep wondering why he keeps doing that, maybe he likes you? You thought of something and ever so slowly leaned against him. It caught him by surprise but he slowly put his hand around you and slightly blushed. You smiled and closed you eyes. You quickly opened your eyes when you heard Zizzy come out of her tent and stare. "Umm, is this a bad time?" she asked confused. There was an awkward silence. Zizzy just slowly went back in the tent and you and Pony quietly giggled and went back to making smores.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this, you can request as much as you want :3

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