38. Did He Mean it Though?

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Brooklyn Jasiah Ali -

"Marry me, marry me, marry me!" Sylas protested, as I drug him into my room, passing a beyond shock Trinity and Grace, that were watching a movie on the living room couch.

"Marry me, marry me, marry me, marry me..." he continued to beg, as I took his arm from around my shoulder, and dropped him onto my bed.

"How did you get here?" I questioned, as he licked all over his lips, like an animal.

"Maybe I walked, maybe I Ubered, maybe I skipped, it doesn't matter, all that matters is that you marry me" he sung in a goofy tone, and I just stood over him shaking my head.

"When you wake up in the morning, you better be so happy my grandma isn't here, boy'll." I muttered, as he looked at me with very squinted eyes.

"Baby?" He called for me, wiggling his index finger, wanting me to get closer.

"Yes.." I answered sitting on the bed close to his upper body, he reached his hand out touching all over my face, then taking it off, after being 100% sure it was me.

"I love you, I so in love with you, I'm your lover boy." He giggled, talking in a baby tone.

"Stop you're going regret this in the morning." I told him, in a serious motherly tone, not being too harsh because I know hes in a fragile and vulnerable state, at the moment.

"Aw man, I love you, and you hate me, because I'm not emotionally stable enough." I'm pretty sure he meant to say mature instead of stable, but I didn't correct him.

"I'm sorry in advance for bringing all those problems in your life, I apologize, I love you, I didn't mean to. I should be taking care of you, and make you super proud, I sorry for not doing so that. I just want you to accept my proposal, and be my wife, I sorry. I need you, you have to accept my proposal, I sawwe foe being controlling." He let tears roll down his eyes as he spoke. My eye sight started to become foggy.

"Oh no. Brooklyn baby I'm so sorwe, but I just need you to hold me, I broken, you all fix me." He sluggishly opened his arm and I entered them, laying my head on top of his chest, as the amount of tears in my eyes increased.

"Don't cry, I hate see you cry, 'cause you so great, and I hate myself for bringing you pain." He rubbed my back and traveled up to my neck, repeatedly. I couldn't even reassure him that he doesn't bring me pain, because I couldn't even speak, tears taking over all my actions.

I sobbed on his chest, as he feel asleep muttering sayings to me.

Why do I love him so much?

Was my last thought before drifting off to bed.

I woke up with the feeling of my arms being completely dead and numb, I quickly opened my eyes to be faced with a brown surface.


My arms tightly wrapped around his torso, and his arms loosely wrapped around my shoulders.

I pulled my arms from up under him and sat up, placing myself on his crotch area. Why is his shirt off?

Feeling something hard I looked down, but stopped at his six pack. I wanna kiss them, I felt a weird urge.

So that's exactly what I did, bending down, placing kisses all over his stomach, it didn't taste like anything, but for some reason it was enjoyable to do.

He fidgeted and I came to a stop. Seating back up, looking at him, waiting for him to wake up.

I'm being creepy.

"Keep kissing me, that felt really good." He spoke in his sleep, and I smiled. My eyes fell to his lips and I felt another urge

I started to make out with him, me being in full control and him only giving small pecks along the way.

"Do my breath stink?" He asked still sleep and I didn't even notice until he said that, I nodded confirming it does.

"Does mine?" I questioned, and he shook his head.

"Not really...." he has to be lying.

I decided to sniff my upper lip, and it didn't really smell like anything, I guess it's just one of those lucky days.

My smile grew as I looked at Sylas slowly open his eyes, finally waking up. He looked at me and analyzed my features, with a small smile on his face.

He sat up just a little, leaning his back against my gray backboard.

He reached his hand out, and gently grabbed my chin, then my butt with his other hand. We looked at each other for a minute before are lips clashed.

We unfortunately had to stop for a breather, but I licked his lips, and he liked that shit. So we started making out again, and it felt even better.

"You got my phone ch-" Noah suddenly bussed into my room, both me and Sylas separated and turned.

Without a sound Noah backed away and left my room. We looked at each other and busted out laughing.

"Did I do anything stupid last night, memories blurry." He rubbed his head and I didn't want to lie to him so I nodded causing him to tightly blink.

"Just know it ended with both of us crying." I instantly realized how bad that sounded by the look on his face.

"What I do?"

"You was being cute, so don't worry about it okay." I said knowing I was never going to tell him what all went down until we have kids and I get to tell them the story too.

He took his phone out his pocket to check notifications. As he turned his phone on, I could see a glimpse of his lockscreen, and I was surprise to see a picture of me.

He must of took it while we was on facetime....

"Sylas I love you." I randomly said, feeling a urge to. He clicked off his phone and looked at me.

"I love you too, and if I said that last night, I meant it, plus I'm sorry for coming over here drunk."

"Why you get drunk? That was my first time ever seeing you drunk." I asked then brought up, he looked at me with wondering eyes.

"I was thinking about you." He said and my mouth hung open.

"I make you wanna get drunk?" I pouted and he nodded.

"Not like that, I was over thinking and will....." he basically summed up everything for me and at the end all I could do was hug him and reinsurance he's the best thing to every happen to my life.


Sylas Lockscreen....

I remember I wrote this chapter on my school computer towards the end of the year because my storage was way too full

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I remember I wrote this chapter on my school computer towards the end of the year because my storage was way too full. lmao.

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