20. We Should Not

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Destiny Claire Johnson -

"Get into it, get into it- AHHH." The girl on the screen yelled as she was getting that big thing pushed into her.

"OOoOoo, awhh baby, that shit right there."

Delas took the airpod out my ear, making me swipe out of the video and look up at him.

"Umm, so you want that?" He questioned with a confused smirk and I laughed.

"Nah, for real though. You said you wanted to watch something with me, so I dipped to your crib.... and you turn on THIS." He pointed to the twitter video of porn on my phone, and I just shrugged.

"You can't- do you... want me to?" He trailed off, like he was tryna rap his hand around what I just did.

"Will.." I smiled, making him quickly stand up on my bed.

"Shit babygirl, say less" he started to unbuckle his pants, causing me to quickly stand up and stop him.

"Huh?" He went back to being confused.

"Um, I don't know? We're only 12, I think we should like wait.... a couple... years." I tried to make up an excuse, because I actually regretted, and don't wanna be a fast ass anymore. He squinted his eyes at me.

"I- but- what's the fucking deal with you?" He mugged, and I scoffed.

"Like I'm not in the wrong here, right.... because, you can't just, do that. That's not something you do, you got me all geeked for what?" Delas pouted, looking genuinely sad, and I pushed my face to the side, trying not to laugh.

"We are only 12, sorry it was my first ever time feeling horny, fuck, damn." I explained and he started to laugh.

"You funny ass hell bro." He pushed me back down on my bed, and I landed on my butt.

"Don't ever do that again, okay... that made me feel... WeIrD." He shivered getting on top of me.

"Boo Hoo, I will for sure never do that again." I reassured, pushing his skinny, but heavy self off of me and onto the floor.

"OwWe." He whined while getting off the carpet.

"Why would you do that?" He asked facing me and I shrugged.

"I swear, you should really think before you do shit. Because YOU can't even explain half the weird ass bullshit you be doing." He smiled, getting super close to my face.

"I only ever did two things weird around you." I rolled my eyes at his dramaticness and pushed him away from me.

"Welp, it was enough to show me that this is just your overall personality, and I'm have to deal with it." He shook his head, sighing.

"Yep, so learn to deal with it." I smirked, lowkey blushing, making him laugh.

LATER THAT DAY.....5 hours later, 10pm.

"On God, I'm bored ass shit." I said to myself as I scrolled through Instagram.

I need some gotdamn friends that actually wanna talk to me.

As soon as I through that, I got a snap message from Delas. It was an unsavable video.

Man this probably just a Yolo, I rolled my eyes before opening it.

My whole body froze seeing what it really was.

No way

I'm dreaming

I'm having a nightmare

I gotta be imagining this

I'm not so bored to the point I'm imagining this right?

I let the video replay as I thought of reasons he would send me this.

I kinda like it tho

I got my ipad and recorded the video he sent to me. I'm not going to show anyone but I might wanna watch it later.

WTF? I texted him after I finally stopped watching the video.

? He sent back.

You just- why the hell would you send me that?!

What I send you??

Don't play dumb 😒

Nah bro deadass.. what I send you?
You got me worried lowkey

A video of you stroking yo-

Oh lord. I'm sorry, I didn't even mean to send that to you 🤦🏾‍♂️

mmm hmm

.......did you like it?

I didn't even bother texting back, he know he didn't send that on accident.

At least he had decency to cover himself with some shorts, I tried my best to make reason, because I felt mixed emotions about the whole thing.

I guessed I pulled something first...I shrugged, this gone keep me up all night.

This was cheesy ass fuck, and short as hell.. but I hope it made you laugh.

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