9. You're Back

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Brooklyn Jasiah Ali -

"I can't believe it's deadass only 4 days left of school." Trenten said, I sat next to him on the bus today, and so far he's been annoying.

"I sitting here staring at yo picture with a slight—"

"Stop singing that song round me." Trenten cut me off

"Why?" I questioned with a hard mug.

"Because it's making me feel like, you giving out hints." He did a fake girly smile, causing me to roll my eyes.

"So if I sing ywn Melly round my friends that mean I wanna kill 'em?" I asked, and he sized me up playfully.

"I don't believe that you have any friends." He said and I huffed.

"I got one, damn bruh." I told him for the fifth fucking time.

"I'll believe in it when I see it." He spoke using it, like a little kid refereeing to a baby.

The bus came to a stop and I looked up from my nails, seeing that we were at the school.

Everyone was quick to get up, because are bus was a good twenty minutes late, do to a wreck. And lord knowns the teacher will find anyway to blame the students.

Once half the people was off the bus, Trenten and I got up and exited the bus.

When I was getting farther from the bus, someone caught my eye.

"There go my friend right there...." I pointed to a girl in a green jacket that was getting something out a car and Trent' quickly turned his head.

Her face not showing, but I can tell it was her is because the blue hair.

"You lying, that's not your friend, that's not cousin" he claimed, making me size him up.

"Nerissa" he yelled her name and she turned around, making my mouth drop.

"Come here!" He yelled and she shook her head no.

"Girl you just gone act like you don't see me?" I mugged and she mugged back.

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"Come on, we gone be stupid late for class

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"Come on, we gone be stupid late for class." Trenten cut are little contest short, making her groan and stomp her feet. Never the less she ran over to us.

"Hell was your point of coming to school on the last day?" I asked, looking irritated as fuck and she rolled her eyes.

"It's not the last day" Trenten felt the need to say.

"Exactly" Nerissa followed.

"Damn near" I said, before we all went are separated ways to are different classes.

Nerissa and I have been friends sense 9th grade, but we barely come to school, and that's really the only time we talk.

I'm planning on spending way more time with her in the summer though.

"That substitute teacher so fine, I'll eat her ass" the person I sat next to whispered to me, and I started to laugh.

Sorry this chapter so short, it's just a filler, next chapter is going to make up for it.

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