18. Arguing Infront Of Parents

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Eliana Ava Clarksin -

Robert and Mila walked into my room, as I took mirror pictures of my outfit. They hopped in them, Mila standing in front of me and Robert standing behind me. They both put they middle fingers up as I snapped the last picture and I shook my head.

"What y'all badasses want?" I asked, putting my phone on my bed and sitting down.

Mila sat next to me, while Robert sat on the carpet leaning against the wall in front of us.

"You wanna met my girlfriend and her momma today?" He asked me, and I bit on my bottom lip.

"This the girl you was telling me about all day yesterday?" I asked and he shook his head, blushing.

"Aww my baby boy growing up..." I pouted and he hid his face behind his hands making me laugh.

"Yeah I wanna meet her" I answered and he dropped his hands.

"Good, but know, the moms strict and gone ask a lot of questions..." he let me know and I shook my head.

"What if I told you I got a boyfriend?" Mila spoke up

"I'll chock you and the boy to death" Robert said before I could respond to her.

"Little nigga you better chill out" I said, and he cheesed, acting all innocent.

"So you got a boyfriend?" I asked her, and she know I don't want her dating till she 14... but maybe she'll still snitch on herself if she feel comfortable enough.

"No" she quickly said, "but.... I talk to someone, I guess" she shrugged with a slight pout.

"Why you pouting, you need me to kill someone?" He asked all seriousness and she laughed.

I love my kids

"I don't know if he like me or not" she said, and Robert started bitting on his lip, thinking.

"Let me see y'all text messages, I can tell you if they genuine or not." He waved her to get the phone, and she did.

"You a good big brother" I told him and he smiled.

"I know" he cockily said, as Mila came back into the room. She handed him the phone and he squeezed in the middle of us before scrolling through them.

Jasiel 🤍🦋, was his contact name.

"That's an ugly ass name" Robert said, making Mila smack her lips and stink face him.

"You just chatting" I said

"I want you to be my valentine time 💞" He read the first messages in a squeaky voice

"You know that's not my message, right?" Mila questioned, and he looked up at her.

"I know" he responded, making us laugh.

"I like that idea" he read in a even higher voice.

"I should beat you for even entertaining this little boy" he muttered

"What we did today, we should do everyday 💞💞" Robert read, and his face went straight...

"What y'all do?" He asked his sister, and she mugged him.

"We just sat next to eachother in class" she told him

"You better be telling the truth"

"That's cool with me"

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