31. School Approching

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Brooklyn Jasiah Ali -

"I can't believe Muhammad Ali stole my last name, that make me mad." I complained.

"Damn, that's a shame." Sylas spoke.

We was on facetime right now.

"Y'all family be going school shopping?" I asked him and he nodded.

"It be so hectic."

"I would wanna see that." I laughed.

"Lemme swoop ya than." He said causing me to smile.

"When?" I asked.

"Later today maybe at 12." He answered and I checked the time, 10.

"Bet, let me start getting ready now then." I said knowing I look a mess, he laughed.

We ended the phone call and I hopped in the shower, that took up 30 minutes, so I felt I had a decent amount of time to do my hair and pick out an outfit.

I curled the ends of my lace and put a hot comb to the roots.

I then pinned it up while I did my eyebrows, and eyelashes.

After I did my edges, and we not going to talk about how I suck at edges, but I feel like me knowing I was gone be around Sylas made me slay then just then.

I then picked out an outfit, and I was down to the 30 minute mark so I couldn't take forever how I usually would.

I put on some lose black ripped jeans, I put on a pink shirt.

And some pink crocs, iced out by charms.

Half my closet is pink and black, which is funny because I use to hate the color pink when I was younger.

To finish it off I put on some diamond earrings, and a necklace diamond chain, which Sylas left over here last time he came to chill and play the game with me.

What he get for always empty out his pockets on my dresser.

I heard a beep, and I grabbed my clutch with my keychain hanging from it, and money in it.

I kissed Chicago on the cheek as he laid in his swing. Grace and her dude was on the couch, so he wasn't unattended.

I walked out the house, and seen Sylas. He was leaning against the car, a smile instantly grew on my face as I walked up to him.

I gave him a big hug, which is funny because I use to hate hugging people.

The only time I liked getting hug was by my crush in the fifth grade, I remember him hugging me once. I was mad so I wasn't hugging back, but I didn't mind him hugging me nor did I tell him to stop.

Maybe it's because he was tall, and noooo I'm not a body shamer. He was just cute, and I was whipped.

That might be saying something about my situation now.

Sylas opened the door for me then got in the car.


"So my family already in here." Right after he said that we heard a loud scream which sounded like Zoey causing us to go towards the sound.

"Delas pinched me, he pinched me." Zoey stomped towards Sylas and reached her arms out. He picked her up and looked around.

"Where momma?" He asked as Zoey laid her head down on his chest and looked at me.

I waved, and a smile grew on her face.

"She took ManMan and Isabella to the bathroom." Mila answered.

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