40. Unexpected

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Brooklyn Jasiah Ali -

"Thanks for dropping me off." I took off my seatbelt and tried to dap him up but he knocked my hand out his face.

"I'm not finna leave you here by yo self, I'm coming in that bitch and checking to see if they trustworthy enough to be around my niece." He turned off his engine, and my mouth ajared.

"It's okay, I'll just call you if—"

"Nope" he cut me off opening his door and getting out the car. I rolled my eyes trying not to let tears puddle in my eyes.

This is finna be so embarrassing.

I quickly got over it, getting out the car and following behind him. He let me knock on the door, and a couple seconds later a, Isabella opened.

"Ahh you back!" She squealed hugging me, I laughed hugging back. When we walked into the house it was more people than I expected, aw man.

"Sylas in his roo-"

"What the fuck is this nigga doing here?" A man with very pretty eyes looked at Noah with hatred.

"Bitch I'm here with my niece, fuck the problem is?"

"Yeah it's a problem. You the reason I had to served four years, while you got out in six months." He told, and my eyebrows furrowed confused on if this was one big joke or not.

"We served time together, the only reason you had to serve more is because they end up trailing you as an adult. God damn I didn't snitch on you, I just had a better lawyer. You know this, stop being so bitter, stop fucking bitching. Man you use to be my boy." Noah tried to reason with him.

"Yeah but at the end of the day, you cut a nigga completely off and went ghost." The boy said, and I really tried to remember a time Noah served time...?

"Huh? We literally was ordered by court to stay away from eachother." Noah said by now they was so close I thought the was gonna kiss.

"Cut it with the excuses B. Court said two years after my release. And we could still talk on the phone, why you ain't pick up all them phone calls." He clapped his hands while talking.

"My momma monitored all my phone calls, she didn't want me speaking to none of y'all." Noah said and I still wanted to know when the fuck he served time.

"All I'm hearing is excuses."

"Fuck else you wanna hear? An apology? I don't owe you shit. It's not my fault Rush died." He said and my eyes widened, I remember Rush.

He was a dude Noah use to hang around all the time.

"It is though."

"I'm the one- Brooklyn come on, I'm over this shit." Noah tried to pull me out the house.

"Nah explain ya self, 'cause the nigga brothers right here." He pointed to Mason, who I waved at, he waved back.

I peeped Sylas coming down the steps, and ran up to him, "hey." I hugged him and he hugged back.

"What's happening?" He asked and I shrugged really trying to remember back on when I was child, but all the memories were blurry.

"Can we go to your room, I'm uncomfortable." I told him and he took me there.

I sat on his bed and he laid on top of me.

"Yeah I remember my grandma was never in town. And Noah felt like he could do whatever he wanted, so he started hanging with these groups of boys. And end up getting in a lot of trouble with the law because he was in this shootout and 2 people end up dying." The memories started to rush back as I spoke upon it.

"Rush, was one of the people who died. Noah went to jail, and I think that's how it happened." I tapped my forehead.

"It's always something." He sighed, and I nodded.

"But it's okay, we got eachother." I was just happy I got to see him.


I WROTE THIS CHAPTER A LONG TIME AGO, this was suppose to be apart of the plot, but sense it's not it makes no sense.

But now it's a filler because I just want this book to end.

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