10. Fuck Boy Effects

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Robert June Clarksin -

"Robert, Robert!" The girl I've been leading on for the past couple of weeks called my name from her window.

"Robert you know you hear me!" She yelled making me look up from my phone, and close my blinds.

Bitch boring and annoying.


"Can you shut the broad up. Damn." Delas woke up from his nap, throwing his pillow on the floor in irritation.

We can hear everything through this stupid window, that got a stupid crack running down the middle of it. And to make it worse, it's right on the side of my bed.

I pulled up the blinds all the way, and aggressively pushed the window open.

"What the hell you yelling my name for?" I looked, with a mug. She sticking damn near half her body out the window.

"I'm grounded! And I'm bored." She complained, and I threw my head back.

"You want me to come over?" I asked being semi loud.

"Sure!" She said excitedly, I pushed down my window and blinds, then threw that pillow at Delas half sleep body.

He started to cry and I smacked my lips.

"Get chu ass up, we finna go to Teagan house." I said, picking up a random, probably dirty shirt from the floor and putting it on.

Delas and I share a room, and it's lowkey annoying because he's always in my business. But, it's whatever, I'll hook him up with some pussy... Teagan got a younger sister who's 11 almost 12 and she's a cutie.

Teagan brown skin, medium length hair, thick, little juicy booty, little boobs. Her sister the same exact image, just skinnier and paler.

I could hear Delas suck his teeth, as I sprayed on some axe, and threw on some shoes.

"Man..." He sat up on the bed, he was already dressed, because for some weird reason he sleep in outside clothes, instead of pajamas.

I threw a pair of Jordan 3s at his head because he was still sitting down, "Owww" he groaned and I started to laugh.

"Put them shits on, and just hurry up before Zoey get out the shower and start bugging us." I told him as I picked out a Cleveland Browns hat from my dresser and put it over my nappy ass hair.

He put the shoes on and sprayed cologne on his underpits making me scrunch my face in disgust. Dirty ass roommate.

"I'm ready." He yawned, I fanned him to follow me out the room and that's exactly what he did.

He then followed me across the street to Teagan big blue house and as soon as I was finna knock on her door, I heard someone calling me.

"You! You!"

Delas and I turned around, to see a dark skinned boy around Delas age, with lose curly hair, and a orange bike next to him. We waited for him to talk as he just silently stood on the sidewalk.

"You not finna go in my girl's house, is you?" He finally asked. Me and Delas looked at eachother, and let out chuckles.

"Who's your girl dawg?" I questioned looking back at him.

"I'm Belane and Destiny my girl" he named Teagan little sister, and we laughed again.

"I'll fuck ya bitch and leave ha for mud." Delas spoke to him and I shook my head.

"Fuck are you taking bout?" Belane asked, and Delas looked him up and down.

"Grew up in the mud, I came from an all blood hood." Delas threw up his set, and I laughed, because... we did not come from mud, we live in the sub-urbans, always have, probably always will.

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