27. Coming Over

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Brooklyn Jasiah Ali -

I walked up to the corner store, and it was them same group of boys from a minute ago, but it was also Robert with them too.

"What, y'all making people donate to get in again?"

"We wouldn't make you, you violated last time." One of the boys said, so I walked pass them and into the store.

I felt somebody walk behind me, and put his arm around my waist.

I instantly know it was Robert by his scent.

I felt something rubbing against my side.... definitely a gun...definitely.

"Unt. Unt. What you doing all that for?" I said trying not to think about my little discovery and he quickly let go.

"You heard about that shooting around the corner from yo house the other day?" He avoided my question, making me roll my eyes.

"Yeah, I literally heard it." I said, it was in broad daylight, and I was on the porch doing Trinity hair.

"That was my cousin." He told me, and I looked over at him.

"The one who shot?" I asked and he shook his head.

"The one who got shot." He corrected, and my eyes slightly widened.

"Yo cousin is Keto?" I asked because he a big hood dude out here.

"Yeah." He nodded

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss." I said and he shrugged.

"It's cool. You and that Nerissa girl still hang out?" He asked completely changing the subject as I grabbed some things off the shelf.

"Nah, she too scared to go anywhere because her momma hella strict." I answered, and he nodded.

"Good- Oh, you and Tete gone start hanging out more?" He said, and I completely caught his slip up but choose to ignore.

"If she wanna hang out with me." I said grabbing some gum.

"She do, she don't got no friends." He told her business, and I almost laughed then I remembered.

"Oh shit, we just alike."

"Girl stop playing, all my siblings yo friends." He waved me off.

"Oh forreal?" I asked.

"Yeah they stay bringing you up every time Sylas come into a room with all them in there." He told me, and I pouted but lowkey smiled.

"They bet not be making fun of him." I didn't really know what else to say.

"Come over so you can defend him." Robert said tryna be slick.

I know he not tryna spit game for his brother.

I payed for my stuff at the counter and got the bag back.

"Imma have to tell my Auntie first." I shrugged as we walked out the store.

"Alright, my cousin can drive you back home." He pointed at this boy I recognized from the cookout.

I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Imma be in the car too, don't worry." He chuckled.

Sylas Blue Blues -

Somebody started knocking on the door, and everybody looked at me since I was the closet.

I lowly sighed and got off the couch. I went over to the door, unlocked it, then opened it.

It was Robert and Mason between them was Brook making my eyes semi widen.

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