17. Brother Talk

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Sylas Blue Blues -

"I fucking hate being single." Trenten complained

"What's yo type?" Delas questioned.

"I don't even know man." Trenten shrugged.

"The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice" Robert spoke

"I was talking about personality, but okay..." Delas mumbled to only the point where I could hear and I chuckled.

"Nah, grape juice taste nasty ass hell" Trenten said, and Robert mugged him.

"Nigga, a bitch juice is not purple, is white." He said.

"Huh?" Delas questioned, confused and I shook my head, this is sad.

"So basically would you rather have vanilla almond milk or number 2 milk?" Robert said and everybody looked at him confused.

"Nigga it ain't no such thing as number 2 milk." Trenten said

"Yes it is broo"

"Nigga you mean 2% percent milk" I spoke up


"Dumbass, said number 2 like we was comparing mechanical pencils and regular pencils" Trenten said

"Man, y'all know what I meant" he waved us off

"I'll rather have almond milk over cow milk any day" Delas spoke up

"Thank you, one of them give you diarrhea and one of them don't" Robert brought up.

"Man, y'all always tryna pin women against each other." I mugged

"And it be working, them bitches buy into anything a fine nigga say." Robert chuckled and everyone shook they heads agreeing.

All skins tones are equally beautiful.

"Nah, but you was treating that one girl like trash last night." I brought up, and he lowkey laughed.

"Ohh you just made me remember something." He smiled

Before he could start speaking Laura walked into the house with a big happy smile on her face.

"Why you smiling for?" Both me and Robert questioned at the same time.

"Damn I cant just be happy?" She mugged us.

"No" Robert answered

"Who just dropped you off?" I questioned because she don't even have a car.

"Uber." She said and I squinted my eyes at her.

"Liar." Both me and Robert called her out.

"Okay damn, my best friend." She lied again.

"Yo best friend in Florida." I mugged her.

"And why would you lie to begin with." Delas brought up.

"Can y'all mind y'all business?" She asked, and we shook are heads.


"Bye." She was finna walk up the stairs.

"It was a boy wasn't it." Robert spoke up and she flicked us off, then went back to walking up the stairs.

"Let's go bothers Mila." Delas said.

"Gone head, I'm finna go bother mommy." Robert said.

They both ran off leaving me and Trenten by are selves.

Mila Jancey Hanes -

"You wanna see my di-"

"Jasiel shut the fuck up." I cut him off, rolling my eyes.

"What I do?" He played dumb with a stupid smirk on his face.

Hate when he do this.

"Stop being nasty." I mugged him.


"No because I will real life hang up on you." I spoke, full attitude laced in my tone.

My room door opened and I quickly hung up on Jasiel.

"Un un. Who was that?" Delas questioned and I fell back on my bed.

"It was nobody." I responded.

"Then why was you so fast to hang up?" He squinted his eyes at me.

"Why is you always in my business?" I pushed myself up from the bed.

"Because it was some scrawny dusty ass little boy wasn't it?" He asked with a mug and I flicked him off.

Dumb ass.

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