Disclaimer: ugh I'm living for this chapter I think you know that I didn't write this though. It was written by @xmaraudergirlsx
(I think you know I get the one shots from FanFiction.Net so I won't mention it unless it's from a different website x)Today, is the day I've been dreading my whole life. Today, the one person I spent the best of three years hating finally has the ammunition he's always needed to thoroughly embarrass me.
Today, James Potter will finally get the better of me.
"Good morning Evans," a deep, amused voice said.
Contrary to popular belief, James Potter and I are not on a first name basis. We may be Head Boy and Girl. We may even get along. We might actually be friends. But the name James has not escaped my lips once in our Six Years, One Month and Seven Days at school together. On principle alone, I think we stick to last names.
I looked up slowly from my History of Magic textbook. I could feel the warmth in my ears and the heat in my cheeks. Not for the first time, I cursed my red hair.
"Hello Potter," I greeted in my most composed voice. Perhaps, there was the slightest chance Sirius Black hadn't had a chance to tell him yet.
He sat down noisily. I noticed in mortified silence that he seemed to have the attention of the half full classroom of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff Seventh Years. I shouldn't have been surprised. Potter gets more attention than half the school when he walks into a room. When he's with me, he gets more attention than anyone else in Hogwarts. People in this school have a sick fascination with our interactions. It only got more perverse when Dumbledore decided to place us in the harsh spotlight that comes with being the Head Students at this school.
Potter was leaning on the back two legs of his chair. I wished fervently that he would fall off. He was torturing me. Did he know? Didn't he? Could I live without the utter humiliation of him knowing for a few more precious hours? He was eyeing me with an expression I hadn't seen in a long time and my mortification increased. He had the cocky, arrogant look of the Potter from two years ago. Before he'd gotten his act together, grown up a little. To my complete despair, I found that it was rather attractive now. His hazel eyes glowed with amusement behind his glasses, the crooked smile on his face gave his features the presence not unlike that of a famous celebrity figure. He was in a word, gorgeous. I felt myself cringe inwardly at my thoughts. Why, oh why was life so cruel? Did I really have to go and give everyone the satisfaction of knowing they were right when they assumed I would fall for him eventually? Did I really have to like him?
Though we had been sitting there almost five minutes now, he was yet to speak. He did not make the usual attempt at small talk. He just sat there, watching me, his lopsided grin infallible, the casual rocking on his chair, cool. I hoped furiously for a bout of vomiting or lethargy; anything that might excuse me from class. I determinedly focused my eyes on the book in front of me.
" To Wizarding Europe's dismay, Grindelwald had rose to power, menacingly, abruptly... "
"Hey Evans, do the homework?" he asked, interrupting me from rereading that blasted sentence for the fourth time.
"Yes, did you?" I replied, stiffly raising my head to look him in the eyes. The hazel orbs were playful, cheeky. They were everything I wanted to despise but instead, they were melting me. Making me want to stare for as long as I possibly could.
His hand was waving in front of my face and the smile had gotten wider. I felt myself blush harder.
"What? Uh...did you say something?" I mumbled awkwardly. My hand tightened around my quill. I so infrequently got nervous. I was usually as confident as him, sharp and precise in my retorts, focused and skeptical when listening during a conversation.

Jily one shots
Fanfictionjily one shots Most of these one shots aren't mine. There might be one or two that are mine. I get the chapters from mostly FanFiction.Net, I give credits at the start of each chapter