disclaimer: written by siriusly klutzy
A/N i literally love siriusly klutzys books so imma do a lil spam of them :)
a Siriusly Klutzy story.
Situations are not my forte. My forte is panicking. So when a tough situation comes around, it is so not my forte to handle it, but I can panic like it's nobody's business. I don't know why. I was never the best at handling situations, other than panicking when they came my way.
This... well, this is a situation that I didn't want to get into, didn't know how to handle, and would let me excel even further in my true forte.
"What do you mean you lost the note?" I all but screech-whispered at Alice who was frantically searching through her bag for the piece of parchment that she swore she put in there.
"I mean, I can't find it!" she exclaimed, tossing her History of Magic book at me. "Lily, I swear I put it in here. I swear to you! I know I did! It has to be in here. Just... just don't panic, alright?"
Don't panic? Sometimes I can't believe Alice when she's being serious like this. Really? Telling me not to panic? When she lost the note I sent her about fancying James Potter?
Right, Alice. I won't panic. Not at all. Not one little bit of panic is going to escape me.
"Alice! What if he finds it? What if you dropped it? And he sees his name? So he picks it up? And he reads it? And then he'll know! And then how am I supposed to do duties with him when he knows that I fancy him? It's not possible Alice. It is physically impossible."
Alice, in addition to looking at me like I was a complete mental case, dropped the papers she was shuffling through back into her bag, and grabbed my shoulders. "Lily. We will find it. And if we don't, you can beat me a million times, and steal Mum's cookies when she sends them. You can take my identity and I'll go around as the one that fancies James. Don't worry. It should- will- turn out fine."
If it's going to turn out fine then why do we have to go through all of the stress to get there?
It just doesn't make sense to me. Not one bit. She can't find the parchment. It isn't anywhere in her entire bag. She's looked at every bit of parchment, flipped through ever book, checked every pocket- bag and robe, - and shuffled through ever folder. And nothing.
Information about my fancying status was floating somewhere around the castle as we frantically searched in one spot.
"Do you remember where you saw it last?" I asked, double checking every piece of parchment that she tossed on the floor, not bothering to look when people shouted out things when we hit them with flying elbows or balls of Potions notes. Because nothing was more important than finding that note.
"We wrote it in Potions, right?" Alice asked me, now giving up on the "organized" search and dumping the entire contents of her bag on the floor. We both shrunk down on our knees and searched every inch of parchment again.
"Right," I answered. "And you had it last. Because Slughorn was looking at us oddly so you stuffed it somewhere."
"Right. So we'll just trace our steps and every possible place my bag could have dropped it," Alice said in the sanest voice she could muster, but she didn't look sane at all. Here hair was out of control because she was running her hands through it so much and her fringe was standing on end. Though I'm sure I didn't look much better.
"Okay... I'll go check Potions. Slughorn won't question why I'm in there. I'll say extra credit or something and then search. Do you want to try McGonagal?" I asked, bouncing up and down from an adrenaline rush. We had to find this note. We just had to.

Jily one shots
Fanfictionjily one shots Most of these one shots aren't mine. There might be one or two that are mine. I get the chapters from mostly FanFiction.Net, I give credits at the start of each chapter