a Siriusly Klutzy story
"We're going to Hogsmade this weekend, right?" Sirius asked James the Wednesday before their first Hogsmade weekend.
"Of course," James replied. He messed up his already catastrophic hair and grinned. "Lily's going. I think I'll ask her to go with me again." He glanced across the room at a red head who was talking animatedly with a girl with short brown hair.
Sirius shook his head. "Good luck with that. But hey, I heard that The Three Broomsticks got a new type of drink. I was listening to a couple seventh years talking about it. They said it fizzes down your throat!" He was sporting a huge, childlike grin.
"What's it called?" James asked.
"Soda pop, I think they said," Sirius answered.
"We're going to have to try it."
Sirius nodded in agreement.
"So Lily," James asked the redhead that Friday after Transfiguration. He just received an O on his test and was hoping his good luck would continue. He saw her close her eyes and take a deep breath before responding.
"Yes, Potter?"
"I was wondering-"
"Do you even know what I was going to ask?" he asked her, exasperated.
"'Evans, do you want to go to Hogsmade with me this weekend?'" she mimicked, lowering her voice and messing up her hair. Alice grinned and shook her head because deep down she knew that Lily was hopelessly in love with James, but sometimes she thought she was the only one who actually realized it.
James furrowed his eyebrows and stared her. "Maybe not in so many words..." he mumbled. He looked up at her. "So, that's a yes. I'll meet you in front of the Fat Lady at two tomorrow." He grinned and went to kiss her on the cheek.
"Not so fast, Potter," she said, stopping his face with her hand and pushing it back. "I did not agree to go with you and if you so much as imagine kissing me again, I will personally make sure you cannot have children."
Sirius laughed. "At least you're getting some action down there, Prongs," he said as he wiggled his eyebrows.
"It's probably the only action he'll ever get if he's not careful," Lily shot back before walking off.
"Touch luck, mate," Sirius said as the two watched her walk away.
"I'd say so," James agreed.
"So you said it's at The Three Brooksticks?" James asked Sirius. The pair were walking into the village, hands in pockets on the chilly October day.
"Yeah. So we'll go there and then hit up Zonko's?" James nodded and the two hurried into The Three Broomsticks where they were met with warm air and about twenty or so other Hogwarts students who stopped in for the heat.
Madame Rosmerta hurried over to the two boys. "What can I get for you?" she asked looking over her shoulder at the chaos that was going on behind the counter; someone spilled their butterbeer and it dripped all over a third year.
Sirius looked smugged as he said, "We'll have two soda pops please." He glanced at James and smirked.
"What kind, darling?" Madam Rosmerta said. She had out her notepad and pen.
"Kind?" Sirius asked, stumped.
"Yes. We've got cherry, grape, orange, and raspberry."
Sirius looked quickly at James.

Jily one shots
Fanfictionjily one shots Most of these one shots aren't mine. There might be one or two that are mine. I get the chapters from mostly FanFiction.Net, I give credits at the start of each chapter