Disclaimer: written by @xmaraudergirlsx
Lily Evans was watching Quidditch.
She enjoyed watching Quidditch, the sport was fascinating to her. It was more the members of the Gryffindor team that made her want to split her head open with one of their brooms. She tried in vain to ignore Potter who was ruffling his hair in her direction. Bloody fool, he was already on a broomstick, there was no need!
Sighing, as Potter blew her an obnoxious kiss and Black threw back his head with a laugh, Lily leaned against the stands and hugged her knees to her. Practice was going well, she could tell they would flatten Hufflepuff in their next match. Speaking of Hufflepuffs, Amos Diggory was now making his way over to her.
"Hello Lily," he said with a smile as he sat a little too close.
She shifted ever so slightly before smiling back. "Alright Amos?"
"Yes...they look like they're doing well," he commented, inclining his head to the scarlet clad players zooming around the pitch, in high spirits. She shrugged in response. She didn't want Amos to be here, he was on the Hufflepuff team and he might be scouting!
She was surprised Potter hadn't noticed, if not because it could threaten his victory, but because he was sitting awfully close to Lily. Usually boys couldn't come within a five foot radius without Potter showing up with a fake smile and an intimidating glare.
"Anyway Lily, I really ought to go, I just wanted to come and ask you something," Amos said tearing his eyes from the pitch and looking into her emerald orbs."Want to go to Hogsmeade with me?"
Lily sighed inwardly. She'd rather make herself sick than have to suffer through Amos Diggory's ridiculous attempts at conversation.
"Oh...well thanks very much Amos, but I'd rather not," she said politely.
He nodded but looked annoyed. "Alright Lily, but one day you really ought to tear yourself away from Potter." He then stalked away, irritated, leaving her with her mouth wide open.
She could tear herself away from Potter any moment she wanted, she didn't ask for his attention! She didn't ask for him to follow her everywhere she went. She hated him!
Ok, so that wasn't true anymore. He was still a git, but now he was a mature and kind of funny git who happened to be Head Boy. There you are, she was around him all the time because she was forced into it! The Head Students just ended up spending unnecessary amounts of time together. She didn't like him in any other way! It was a sensible, grown up, kind of like. Not at all an "I want to ravish you in a broom cupboard" kind of like. Yes...
"Oi Evans," James said floating down to the stands. Sirius floated right behind him, slightly to his left. He was throwing his Beater club impatiently between his hands as he watched Lily with amused eyes. The rest of the team congregated near the stands too, drinking water and taking a little break.
"What Potter?"
"Was that Diggory? He wasn't here to spy was he?"
Lily rolled her eyes. "No actually."
He breathed a sigh of relief. "Good! Wait...what was he doing here?" he asked, panic taking over his face. Lily smiled, hearing Sirius' low laughter.
"He asked me to Hogsmeade..." Lily began before he cut her off.
"That POOF? Amos Diggory thought he was going to go out with you?"To her surprise, he seemed to think it was funny.

Jily one shots
Fanfictionjily one shots Most of these one shots aren't mine. There might be one or two that are mine. I get the chapters from mostly FanFiction.Net, I give credits at the start of each chapter