Disclaimer: written by@Uranie
Lily strode along the corridor. She was going to the library of the school. It was Saturday afternoon, and she would have been at Hogsmeade with her friends, having fun, but she wanted to work. Since a moment, it seemed to her that she had to prove herself, to legitimate her place at Hogwarts, and show that she was good enough as a witch to stay there. In fact, she was becoming crazy.
Voldemort grew stronger and stronger, and had more and more wizzards with him. It was impossible to say who was with him, and who was with the Minister; nothing was sure. Attacks could happen wherever, whenever; everybody could be killed. The Minister did what he could, but it did not change a lot of things. Lily was living in the fear. Not only the fear for herself, but also for her family. They were muggles: the ones the dark Lord couldn't stand in his world. His world of pure-blood wizzards, so powerfull: all of them his slaves. Just thinking of it was very scarring.
At the crossroads of two corridors, lily noticed a band of four slytherin students. They looked younger than her. Like fourth or fifth year; she was in the sixth year. She was headgirl, and quiet authoritarian. But in front of the slytherins, she felt uncomfortable, nearly in danger. When she was confronted to Lucius Malefoy or his best friend, Lestrange, she used to panic. Yet, she was not a fearful personn. But she knew the slytherins could become very inventive when their goal was to make people suffer. Together, they kept the terror in the school. Last times, students came to see the nurse. They didn't say what had happened to them, or from where came their injuries. They were too much affraid of reprisals. But all the other students knew.Lily suspected Dumbledore of knowing the whole story. In his speech of the beginning of the year, he had spoked about the brotherhood that had to take place in the wizzard world for everybody's sake. The truth was that the slytherins didn't want everybody's sake: they just wanted their own sake. And they were affraid of nothing, even not of Dumbledore. In fact, their only fear, beside Voldemort himself, was the marauders. Lily knew that. Their jokes and pranks were exclusively directed against the slytherins. These ones would have prefer not to have this privilege.
Lily took the corridor on her left in order to go to the library. After a moment, she noticed some sounds and laughes behind her. She had a quick glance behind her. Some slytherins were following her. She sped up her walk. She was barely running when she finally entered the library. Once there, she had a sit in the back of the library, where no one never came. Now, she could breath, she was saved. They wouldn't dare to follow her until there, a place with a lot of students around.
But the rest was very short. The slytherins reappeared and went up to Lily's table. They looked threatening. Lily was at a loss. She had no idea about what to do. Maybe to scream."They can't attack me right here, Lily thought in herself to calm her fear. They'll never dare. They can't take out on a headgirl in front of witnesses without risking a detention or worse."
Lily tried as she could to calm herself down in order not to panic. But nothing could help her. Actually the slytherins reached her table and circled her. Lily's hands tensed on the book she had started to read. She tried to not look at them, to focus on the book. She wanted them to disappear.
One of them, Crabbe, or maybe it was Goyle (Lily never knew), started to lean over her with a very frightening look on his face. But just when Lily was to scream of terror, the slytherin straightened up and, visibly scarred, left the library, followed by the other slytherins. Lily didn't understand.
She looked around her in order to see what could have so much impressed the slytherins and she discovered the professor Mc Gonagall, standing in front of shelves, holding a book. But the professor was not reading her book. She was ferociously looking at the door through the one the slytherins had escaped. Then, she looked at Lily. She looked at her right in the eye, with a tenderness Lily had never seen in her look. After that, the professor left the library.

Jily one shots
Fanfictiejily one shots Most of these one shots aren't mine. There might be one or two that are mine. I get the chapters from mostly FanFiction.Net, I give credits at the start of each chapter