Disclaimer: written by @James' Lily Flower
James never let any of his girlfriends touch his hair. But he soon finds he doesn't mind his new girlfriend, Lily Evans, touching it.
It was a well know fact throughout Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry that James Potter's most prized possession was his hair. It was also a well known fact that none of James Potter's many girlfriends had ever been allowed to touch his precious hair.
He'd had many girlfriends in the past seven years and was rated as one of the three most attractive boys in the school. (The other two being his closest friends, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. These three, along with their other friend, Peter Pettigrew, made up their exclusive gang, The Marauders.)
He'd gotten really close with some of his girlfriends but none of them had been close enough to him to be allowed to touch the precious locks. The last girl who had tried, he'd yelled at for ten minutes straight, before promptly dumping her. It had served as a warning to the rest of the female population.
There were only two people he allowed to touch his hair. His two closest mates, and even then, it was grudgingly.
There was nothing particularly special about James Potter's hair. It was dark, wild and messy. But it was James Potter's hair and that was enough. It was what made him James Potter. James Potter without his hair just wasn't James Potter anymore.
He was a boy of seventeen. Tall, with large hazel eyes encompassed by round wire-rimmed glasses. He was well built, his favourite sport, Quidditch, had made him extremely muscular. He was in his seventh year and was Head Boy. He was known to be a troublemaker, something that had caused others to question Dumbledore's sanity at giving him this position in the first place. He was, however, not just a pretty face. He was extremely smart and also very rich. And also had a certain charm, which nobody could place a finger to.
Another well know fact about James Potter was that he was hopelessly in love with his head student counter-part, Lily Evans. He had been since third year.
Lily Evans was a petit girl, with sparkling emerald green eyes and curly red gold hair. She was the smartest girl in their year and absolutely unmoveable when it came to rules. She was pretty and talented, easily catching the eyes of the young Potter.
The only problem was, was that Lily couldn't stand him. She thought he was an arrogant, egotistical, conceited, bullying toerag. Which in many ways was or had been the truth. Though during the summer between sixth and seventh year, James had done a lot of growing up.
It was one late evening in seventh year that it all changed. It was mid-March and the nights were beginning to get shorter.
That evening James Potter was dosing in one of the chairs in the Head Students common room. His head was draped back over the scarlet armchair. He'd just finished doing a two foot essay for McGonagall's N.E.W.T. lesson the following morning.
Lily was sitting up in her room, with her best friend, Alice Moore. Alice was a sweet, round-faced girl, with shoulder-length brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. She was also very close to her boyfriend of four months, Frank Longbottom. She was outgoing and fun-loving.
It was nearing curfew and the ever rule-abiding Lily decided it was time for Alice to go back to Gryffindor common room. They quickly finished their conversation and walked down to the common room.
The first thing Lily noticed was James, appearing to be asleep on the chair. Over the past few months, Lily's opinion of James had dramatically changed. Slowly, as his attitude had improved, she'd become attracted to him. At first it had been grudgingly, but eventually she realised there was nothing she could do and admitted that she, Lily Evans, fancied James Potter. She found herself gazing at him in class and subtly flirting with him. He'd not noticed, but the rest of the school certainly had.

Jily one shots
Fanfictionjily one shots Most of these one shots aren't mine. There might be one or two that are mine. I get the chapters from mostly FanFiction.Net, I give credits at the start of each chapter