Disclaimer: written by @ohsnap it's potter
"Wormtail. Put the banner higher."
"Padfoot. Get more streamers."
"Moony. Put the book down and find something to do."
"James. Stop ordering your friends around and answer the question."
"Lily. Don't tell me what to do."
"James. Answer the question."
"Lily. I'm the birthday boy. I give the orders."
"James. You are so infuriating!"
"Ohh!" James turned to his friend Peter, "I love that song. Add it to the playlist."
"Um, Prongs?" Peter said cautiously, "That's not a song."
"Then make it become a song." The messy haired boy shrieked.
"UGH!" Lily cried in frustration, pushing James angrily, "Why do you think your birthday is any more important than anyone else's?"
"What makes you think you can yell at the birthday boy?" James asked with a frown.
Lily lowered her head, clenched her fists, and began angrily gritting her teeth. "James. I want to study tonight, but I can't with your...party going on.""Ah, Lily." James said, putting his arm around her and gesturing around the common room, "Don't study then. Just come to my party, and...party."
The red haired girl plucked James' arm off from around her shoulders and groaned, "James. We have a final tomorrow. I have to study for it."
"Do you ever just...let go and have fun?" He asked, folding his arms across his chest.
Lily snorted, "I hardly doubt this party will be considered fun." With that she spun around and stormed off to the girl's dorms. She felt a hand grab her elbow lightly and she spun around in exasperation. "What Po - oh...Remus!"
Remus smiled, "Hey Lily. Listen...I was wondering if I could talk to you?"
"Sure." Together they walked out of the common room and into the empty corridor. "What is it?"
"I know you and James have become sort of, kind of friends. But...it's seventh year, you're both Head Boy and Girl, and he still likes you Lily. I know you'll never feel the same way but...I don't think anything would mean more to him than you showing up at his party and wishing him a Happy Birthday."
Lily's eyes widened, 'Way to make a girl feel guilty, Remus.' She thought.
"It doesn't mean go and give him a birthday lap dance or anything." At this Lily threw up slightly in her mouth, "But maybe just a small smile or something. You're both my friends, and I just want to see you both happy." He said, running a hand through his sandy blonde hair.
Lily nodded, "Okay, Remus. I understand where you're coming from. I'll postpone the studying for the final and maybe even get him a present."
Remus grinned, "You don't have to if you don't want to.""Don't worry." Lily smiled, "It's probably in the rules somewhere that the Head Girl has to give the Head Boy a gift..."
"You're a good friend, Lily." Remus said, and with that he clambered back through the portrait hole.
Lily stood there, her mind wheeling over what has just happened. She didn't get herself into some deep hole or anything, she just promised to get her former enemy - now friend - a gift.

Jily one shots
Fanfictionjily one shots Most of these one shots aren't mine. There might be one or two that are mine. I get the chapters from mostly FanFiction.Net, I give credits at the start of each chapter