Jealousy wears a green mask

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Disclaimer: written by @starfishbeliever

A/N: i apologise to you guys heaps i didn't realise this story was actually a multi-chapter book instead of a one shot. if you would like to read the whole story it is on jamseypotter page! hope you enjoy it, and my deepest apologies once again xx

It had been an average Sunday night in the Gryffindor common room. The first years had been playing gobstones in the corner. The second and third years were painting a large banner to support the quidditch team during the coming match while the fourth years supervised. The few fifth and sixth years that weren't cloistered in the library had been writing essays at the tables. Mary Macdonald sat with two Marauders in the big squishy sofas by the fire; Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew were planning a prank, Mary was pretending not to listen, focused intently on the latest issue of Which Broomstick but making sure to throw her two cents into the conversation whenever she felt the boys were getting a little too crazy.

It was an average Sunday night until the portrait hole opened and Lily Evans and Remus Lupin stumbled in. They, along with James who had yet to return, had been at the weekly Prefects/Head Boy and Girl meeting, discussing the coming events. For a few minutes, nothing changed in the common room. Remus and Lily joined their friends beside the fire, Lily's face blank and expressionless; Remus's barely hidden smile betraying slight amusement.

"How was the meeting?" asked Mary, more out of politeness than out of real interest. Peter and Sirius had ceased discussion of their far more interesting; doomed to failure prank upon Lily's arrival. Even though Lily and the boys had formed an unlikely truce that had transformed into a far more unlikely friendship during their sixth year, they still seemed hesitant to discuss planned pranks around the Head Girl.

"Long," responded Remus with a stretch, "Lots of discussion about the Halloween Masquerade Ball. James is still in the meeting room, finalizing the band and stuff, he sent us back early. I think he was afraid that Lily was going to hex someone."

"Makes sense," Sirius shrugged, "You lot must be stressed, the dance is in only ten days and seven hours..."

Mary raised an eyebrow at the shaggy haired boy, smiling a little at his accuracy, "Frighteningly precise."

Remus and Peter exchanged a knowing look before Remus explained for his friend, "Sirius is highly devoted to costume parties."

"Ah," Mary nodded, "You boys made your costumes yet?"

Sirius sat up straight and held Mary's gaze with an intense one of his own, "Why, what have you heard?!" Mary couldn't help but giggle at the boy's antics.

Remus rolled his eyes beside the boy, "Actually, we're not quite done with the costumes... though I think that's on the back burner. Sirius and I are turning out to be the only Gryffindor boys without dates."

"Makes sense... I guess. What do you think Lil?" she turned to the redhead, "You're being awfully quiet."

Lily seemed to shake herself out of a reverie, "I... need to hang some posters."

And that is when everything in the serene room changed. After hanging two brightly colored posters on the noticeboard, Lily made to return to her seat, but then hesitated and turned, striding the length of the rug that lay in front of the fire before pausing at the other end, turning, and walking back. She did this twice more and then all the air left the room as those nearest realized what was happening.

Lily Evans was pacing.

At once, the fifth and sixth years rolled up their parchments and tossed half closed ink bottles into their bags, frantic with the sudden need to join their classmates in the library. The fourth years attacked the wet banner with their wands, drying what they could and sacrificing the rest. The third years stoppered their paint bottles and stored their brushes, casting terrified looks over their shoulder at the moving redhead. The first years had never before experienced what was coming, and as ignorant innocents, watched bemusedly from their corner as their housemates flew around in panic. It fell to the second years to get the young ones to safety, poking and dragging the eleven year olds up the stairs, promising explanations later if they would only move faster.

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