Disclaimer: written by @Lilybet
The shout reverberated down the stairs to the common room as the Marauders lounged about the practically empty festive room; Remus sitting reading whilst Peter watched the black haired pair play exploding snap. As the door flew open they all looked up to see a furious girl, who was busily proving in her every move the colour of her hair.
"What is THIS?!" Lily fumed, holding up a item of clothing
"Um" said the accused, turning bright red as he glanced pleadingly at his best mate before replying, "N-n-negligee?"
"It's a bra is what it is!" Lily hissed menacingly, her eyes flashing "And do you know where i found it?""I don't know" muttered James, looking down at his slowly smouldering cards and wincing as Lily's voice raised again.
The hissing winces from Remus and Sirius were barely audible as the red head let loose with a tirade of insults ranging from calling James a git to questioning his parentage. Finally after watching the girl pacing from one end of the common room to the other throwing her arms around violently as she expressed her extreme displeasure at the behaviour of her boyfriend, and seeing James' slow crumpling as his shoulders sagged not even trying to explain, Sirius decided enough was enough.
"It's mine" he said, jumping up and snatching the offending item out of the girl's gesticulating hand, "Or rather, It's Beth's, but you get the point." he explained into the deathly silence that had fallen,
"Beth's? ... But...she never went out with you."
"And?" smirked Sirius
"You're..." Lily looked at Sirius with shades of disgust and disappointment, she thought she'd seen a different Sirius this last year, "What was it doing under his bed, then?"
"When passion takes you, my dear." suave as ever, the lacy bra vanishing into a pocket, Sirius joined James back at the table.
"Hmph, well, don't think you're off the hook completely Mister Potter" she said seeing the hopeful look in James' eyes as they looked out from under his tousled hair, "I've got to meet Alice, but we'll be having words when I get back" With that Lily left the common room without another glance at the boys."Prongs..."
"Yes, Padfoot?"
"This..." the animagus said, flourishing the offending article, "isn't mine"
Shock appeared on Peter's face, the idea of his great hero cheating on the love of his past six years at the school was unimaginable.
"I know," James said, misery echoing in his every word
"What happened?" Remus leaned forward, his book falling to the floor forgotten
"What do you mean nothing? How do you come to have this, if 'nothing' happened?" Sirius dumped the bra in James' lap on top of his still smoking cards.
"It is, was, her Christmas present" sighed James,
"Her Christmas present? Y'know James, next time you go buying presents for people maybe you should hide them a bit better" Remus said, retrieving his fallen book.
"Or maybe..."
Whatever suggestion Sirius had been about to make was made inaudible by the sudden explosion as the cards the disheartened boy had been clutching exploded. James jumped up but not before the lace on the bra had caught fire.
"Flaming bras!" Sirius exclaimed before performing an Aguimentus charm extinguishing the flames.
"Well, guess I'll have to get her something different now"
"Oh, I don't know, I think Lily likes the messed up look, after all look who she's going out with." Sirius stuck his tongue out at James before ducking the pillow flying his way.

Jily one shots
Fanfictionjily one shots Most of these one shots aren't mine. There might be one or two that are mine. I get the chapters from mostly FanFiction.Net, I give credits at the start of each chapter