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disclaimer: written by Little Miss Escapist

Lily was never playing another drinking game with Severus again.

Of course, she never really would let Sev down. Over the (many, many) years preceding their foray into uni, Lily bore witness to countless maudlin ramblings. Severus, for all his grumpiness, had the strangest proclivity for drinking games of all manner. Beerpong, Mugs, Slaps – the whole caboodle! There was hardly anything he had not dragged Lily into.

Unfortunately, Sev was a whiny drunk.

"Soddin' bastard 'at Potter is, yeah? Fancies he's king of everything 'cos he'll be specializin' in ruddy Aerrr... Aeerrro – Lily, how d'ya say it?"

"Aerospace and Aerothermal Engineering," Lily grit out, barely suppressing a groan. She eyed her friend's scarlet complexion warily. "Sev, I really think you should be getting to bed."

"Sev!" he said, throwing his skinny arms in the air. "Severus. S'my name. Not... not fucking Snivellus..."

Lily truly couldn't put up with the Chemical Engineering student's obsession with a certain James Potter. Honestly, she was growing to hate Potter just as vehemently. Not that she'd ever met – or seen - the bloke. Her college was on the opposite end of the campus from Sev's, which was adjacent to Potter's.

Well, even so, Lily supposed, Mary and Em have many a pleasant thing to say about Mr. Potter's arse.

Sev, however, whined with the fury of a million chucked girlfriends. Whenever Lily came over to visit Sev, the conversation was unidirectional: how James Potter, Unbelievable Slacker, managed to top every class. How James Potter, Football Wanker, hit on all the pretty girls. How James Potter, Filthy Toerag, dared to call Sev Snivellus.

There was no other option than to hate the poor sod.

Sometime amidst Lily's silent musings and Sev's drunken rant, the latter had passed out. On her shoulder. In the garden bench outside the dorm building.

Brill. How am I going to move him?

There no way in hell Lily was going to call for his roommates, especially not at this time of night. She had no intentions of facing Mulciber's or Avery's condescending sniggers, especially not when she was halfway pissed.

Being halfway pissed, her thoughts deviated quite amicably from her predicament to the gorgeous bloke she'd come to notice at her favorite campus coffee place.


Lily studied at the oddest hours. Save for the post-party mornings, she always found herself up and about by five in the morning. Which was the same time the genius little coffee shop opened! 5:30 AM, sharp – Lily was there. Thirty minutes later, a sexy, bespectacled, tall, dark-haired mess was there, too, always in the innermost seat, farthest from the window.

Coffee Guy, as he was named in her head, was not the darkly handsome type. Not the pretty boy at all. (Though the guy that eventually dragged him away was) He was... naughty-looking. The guy you snogged in empty classrooms. The boy who stole cookies from the cookie jar. The prankster.

Boyish, Lily thought. But not un-manly.

Not with his broad shoulders and narrow hips. Or his toned forearms, which were revealed inch by delightful inch as he got more absorbed in his work, pulling up his shirtsleeves. Or his sensual lips. God, his lips.

Lily wondered if he ever actually noticed she was there. There were a few other people who haunted the shop, after all. Maybe she just blurred into the rest of the crowd. Another person, another morning. She had yet to catch him looking her way. Yet there was nothing she wanted more than to find all the colors in his eyes. Strangely enough, she wasn't sure what color they were. Sometimes they looked green, other times brown. On more golden mornings, amber.

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