For the first time... james took lily on a date

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Disclaimer: there's a little story I found with a tonne of one shots about James and Lily's first times. So I'm gonna post them. There's 11 in total this is the second one. They are all written by @junebug617 on FanFiction.Net

While the Halloween Hogsmeade trip hadn't been the first James had spent with Lily, this was the first they'd spent together it by choice. Third Year, he had followed her in and out of Honeydukes and Zonko's before she finally saw him trailing behind her and threatened to hex his ears off. He only smirked and told her she had quite an ego to think, he, James Potter, would ever follow her around. Fourth Year, Sirius jumped Snape in the Three Broomsticks over something James could no longer remember. When Snivellus fought back, James jumped to his best friend's aide and Lily jumped to hers, getting them all banned from the warm pub for the next two trips. She hadn't talked to him for a week after that.

Fifth Year, Mary and Alice had asked the Marauders to join them on the way to the village, causing Lily to glare at James as though it had been his fault. James, angry at her constant hatred of him, had refused to even look at her for the rest of the trip. By the end of the day, everyone was cold and miserable and gladly parted ways. James's only solace was Lily's surprised look when he marched right past her without so much as a second glance. Sixth Year had been almost as bad. When Lily's boyfriend, Charlie Donahue, dumped her in the middle of the road, James punched the Ravenclaw in the face. Later, he had despondently insisted that he couldn't help it. The minute he had seen the tears spring into her eyes it was as if something had taken over his body. Lily had not been pleased with his show of heroics, however, and shoving her butterbeer in James's face, marched off to the castle, leaving him sputtering in the chilly weather.

As the two walked together now, James couldn't help but glance sideways at her and wonder if today wouldn't somehow go wrong again. Their track record wasn't necessarily leaning towards the bright side. Lily looked calm enough now but James knew that one step out of line could mean the end of the timid truce between them. He thought asking her to go with him would be the hard part, but Mooney had been right. Actually being on a date with Lily was much scarier than James had ever imagined.

"Where do you want to go next?" Lily's voice broke through James's reverie.

"Uh... You choose," he told her, managing a smile as they ambled through the crowded village. Hogwarts students rushed from shop to shop, chatting and laughing, enjoying their day off. James thought he saw a glimpse of Sirius and Remus but the two figures had slipped into Zonko's before he could be sure. It seemed almost the entire castle, naturally excluding the First and Second Years, had decided to come and brave the rather cold Halloween day. With new reports of attacks coming almost daily now, Hogsmeade trips served as an escape for the students.

"I chose to go into Scrivenshaft's," Lily told him, her arms swinging at her side. "Its definitely your turn."

"The worst part about being a Seventh Year is that by this time you've seen everything there is to see," James groaned.

Lily smiled a bit at that. "But the best part is that getting through the crowds is much easier," she pointed out. As if on cue, a few Third Years ducked out of their path in a hurry as James and Lily cut through their midst. They both chuckled at that.

The laughing eased some of the tension as they continued wandering. James heart had come down a bit from his throat now though his palms were still sweating. Every time her hands brushed by his, James's pulse sped to twice the normal rate. She's going to kill me before this day is done, James muttered to himself as he wiped his hands on his jacket.

"We could go to Madam Puddifoot's," James suggested weakly as they passed the gaudy teashop. He was happy to hear her snort.

"James Potter? In Madam Puddifoot's?" Lily laughed outright and James grinned at her. "No, not even I could condemn you to such a fate."

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