Bun in the oven

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Disclaimer: written by @Tastes-like-fry

James sat at the kitchen table, his brow furrowed as he stared uncertainly at his wife bustling about the kitchen. Something was up, he could tell.

Lily was flustered. She had baked four cakes a dozen batches of cookies, made twenty dinner portions to freeze, and was currently making potions to update their stock. Not that it needed updating. Head down, with strands of hair that had escaped the elastic falling about her face, she was up to her elbows in ingredients.

James felt a little bit apprehensive; she only cooked up a storm when she was anxious. He watched her as he mused over his cup of coffee she had felt obliged to make him when he walked into the room to see what she was doing. He nibbled on one of the freshly baked cookies and waited until Lily had run out of things to occupy herself with.

It didn't take long for the last potion bottle to be refilled, Lily quickly washed everything with magic as always and then turned to do something else. But there were no more ingredients left. There were no more potions to refill, the cupboards were filled with food as was the muggle freezer.

Lily frowned as she looked around the room. 'I've forgotten something.' She murmured to herself, James' sharp ears only just catching her statement.

He cast a brief glance around the kitchen, pausing briefly on the cast iron oven against the wall, a tell-tale scent wafted from the partially opened door. James inhaled deeply and appreciatively of his wife's ability to cook.

'You've got a bun in the oven.' He said, fondly, jokingly.

Lily jumped and looked at him sharply. 'What? How did you know?'

'I can see it.' James said, truthfully, his seeker-trained eyes able to distinguish the golden brown bread through the gap in the door.

Lily's gaze, however, did not follow his but dropped to her stomach in alarm as her hands came up to try and inconspicuously cover the small bump - it wasn't that obvious, was it?

The buzzer on the oven suddenly went off and made Lily nearly hit the wall. She quickly glanced at James who was looking at the oven expectantly, eagerly. 'Apple and Raspberry.' He murmured, looking as if he was melting at the smell.

Never had Lily felt so relieved. A breath of air she didn't even know she was holding escaped her and she straightened, (tried to suck her stomach in,) and retrieved the bun from the oven and set it on the stove to cool.

Then suddenly found there was nothing else to do.

Uncertain, Lily stood in the middle of the kitchen, glancing around frantically at anything except for her husband who was now watching her suspiciously as she began wringing her hands.

James took it as his cue to stand up and walk into the kitchen. He caught his spouse with a surprise hug from behind, burying his face into the crook of her neck, his hands gently squeezing her abdomen.

She jumped at the touch and immediately tried to pull his hands off her stomach. 'Don't, I need to... I-I' she stammered, trying to find something to do, anything to do to avoid having to tell him, to avoid him finding out.

James rotated her so they stood face-to-face. She was looking everywhere but him until he cupped her face. 'You don't need to do anything,' He said gently, supplying a quick kiss, 'Why are you so jumpy?' He enveloped her in his arms, his hand still on her cheek gently caressed the worry lines around her eyes.

'Nothing.' Lily said, a little too quickly, a little too sharply. 'I-I...' her stammers dissolve into heavy breaths which were smothered by disarming light kisses that were running down her neck.

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