The first time james proposed to lily

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A/N: I stg if I see one more FanFiction with "lilly" instead of "Lily" I'm gonna leave the fandom Bahahah
Idk I just hate when it's spelt lilly cause I feel like lily and lilly are two different people anyone else feel that? Hahaha

Disclaimer: written by @junebug617

Being part of the Order of the Phoenix was boring. Well, most days anyways, James Potter corrected to himself as he tucked his last few reports in his desk. When Dumbledore first proposed the job, James had to admit he thought it would be a bit more...full-time than this. It wasn't that he was ungrateful for the opportunity or even regretful of his choice. James Potter was just bored.

Since fighting the Dark Lord had been regulated to weeknights and Saturday mornings, he and Lily still had time for jobs as an auror and an editor, respectively. Lily had been threatening to quit for a week now. In her opinion, The Daily Prophet had finally crossed the line from news to propaganda. Every night she came home with heavy eyes, muttering of witnesses and source protection. James and Sirius could only offer her an attempt at mashed potatoes as consolation.

James's job as an auror was getting more taxing everyday. He had started as expected with basics and deskwork when they graduated a month ago. However, as the demand for field aurors grew, James suddenly found himself promoted at breakneck speed. He spent almost every moment out in the Wizarding World, running in circles around Death Eater's elaborately covered tracks. On days when they arrived just too late to stop a gruesome torture or heinous murder, James wanted to just quit.

He could if he wanted. His parents had left him a fortune when his mother had finally passed away in April. Already James had put the money to good use supplying the flat in London for him and Lily to move into and supporting Remus on the side. Clearly werewolves weren't a hot commodity in the working world, especially when a tirade of dark wizards was on the loose.

The work was grueling but James could never make himself quit just yet. As dissatisfying as it could be, at least it was work. At least he was out there making even the smallest difference.

Around five o'clock every night Lily and James would stumble out of the fireplace and drag themselves into the kitchen, where the two flat mates alternated turns finding food for them both to eat. They were usually so tired that bowls of cereal and cold sandwiches sufficed before they fell into their separate beds and let sleep sweep over them.

However, the hardest thing about the first month out of Hogwarts for James wasn't chasing dark wizards or learning to put the toilet seat down. It was instead what always seemed to trouble James Potter the most: Lily Evans.

They'd shocked all their friends at the end of the school year by announcing that they were putting their relationship on hold for a few months. Well, almost all of their friends had been shocked, James mentally corrected. Sirius had just been angry. In his opinion, "I didn't spend the last seven years with a moping James over Lily Evans to only have him lose her now!"

But as the days dragged on, Lily and James knew they had made the right choice. They barely had time for sleep and work let alone each other. Plus, it wasn't as if they were seeing other people. Their relationship wasn't even "off" technically. The former Gryffindors just knew they couldn't handle the stress they were under and a relationship at the same time. Remus had told James that their view was a load of tosh but James was just too tired to care. Too tired to do anything.

Except talk with Lily Evans. And laugh with her. And mop up after dishwashing attempts with her. And fall asleep on the couch with her. And smile for the first time in days with her. And...and...James groaned. Who was he kidding? He was in love with Lily and no matter how he had tried to squash those feeling deep down, they did nothing but rise to the surface stronger every time he saw her.

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